Delaware Liberal

Mike Castle Goes Out of Town to Get His Inner Wingnut On

On Monday, Castle went to Philly to be part of a panel of legislators to discuss Health Insurance reform for some radio show.

What is interesting about this is that Castle abandoned his so-called “moderation” for some pandering to the wingnut base:

Castle challenged the idea that the government must take significant action to reduce the ranks of everyone who lacks health insurance after hearing the oft-bandied-about figure that 46 million people in the United States are uninsured.

“Maybe 14 million [of those uninsured] qualified for Medicaid or S-CHIP and another 8 million are not citizens of the USA and we don’t have a responsibility to provide health insurance to them,” he said.

Another argument from made up numbers — you never see any sourced breakdown of this talking point, but all it is supposed to do is to make the gullible think that the problem is smaller than it is and to make it look like undocumented people are meant to be eligible. In other words — the usual lying from the usual suspects. And the audience in attendance dutifully went through their the manufactured rage provided to them via Dick Armey and the teabaggers.

The Philly Inquirer has an article with more detail of what all of the panelists discussed. Interesting that the Dems appealing to reality were shouted down.

So other than the despicable talking points that Castle apparently needs to go out of town to deliver — what do you think about this performance? Out of town tryouts to see how much wingnuttery he can really deliver?

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