Progressive Dems of Delaware Meeting Tonite

Filed in Delaware by on September 2, 2009

This reminder is from the erstwhile Rebecca Young:

Hey DLer’s!

Before all the special election stuff in Sussex broke lose PDD had scheduled Speaker Gilligan to visit this Wednesday night. That visit has been postponed until December. So, if anybody was planning to come speak to the Speaker on Wednesday he won’t be there.

However, Progressive Dems for Delaware will be meeting on Wednesday, Sept 2, at 7:00 PM at DelDems Headquarters to work on our health care reform action plan. Anybody who believes that health care reform is a moral imperative facing our nation with welcome to join us!

This is a great place to help out with the campaign for health insurance reform.


About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (8)

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Hey Cassandra!

    Erstwhile huh? I guess I am from a different era. Anyway, thanks for posting this and letting all the DLers know about tonight’s meeting.

    A couple of PDDers were invited to a private session with Senator Carper this morning. We will be hearing their report tonight. Also, there are petitions and resolutions and action plans to talk about.

    I hope you can join us!

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Let those PDDers know that we’d be delighted to post up their thoughts on the meeting with Carper if they want….

  3. I’ll be there. I second Cassandra. We’d be happy to post their experience with Carper.

  4. PBaumbach says:

    See and for my notes from the meeting.

    Kris and I were the only die-hard liberals there, although there were several folks from social services organizations.

    sorry about it being so raw.

  5. John Manifold says:

    Couldn’t make meeting, but check out this development, which might force Delaware to hold its primary earlier in the year:

  6. That’s really interesting John, thanks for bringing our attention to it. I’m in favor of moving up the primary. That will make it less of an incumbent protection racket.

  7. John Manifold says:

    Absolutely, UI. The first rule of scheduling – whether it’s weddings, class reunions, benefit events – is that every date has some disadvantages. In primaries, though, September is terrible, both for the challenger and the winner [whether or not they are the same person].

    The disadvantages to challengers have been well-documented. Think also of the disadvantages that a September primary provides to the winner, whether an incumbent or not. Consider, for example, what the Markell campaign would have faced after last year’s primary had Levin remained in the race, the same gauntlet that helped beat Bill Quillen and Russ Peterson after they won their primaries.

    Eight weeks is not enough time to regroup, reconcile, repair relationships, replenish the coffers and refocus the message. The contortions caused by a September primary can apply to incumbents, endorsed candidates and other party favorites just as to insurgents. This argument needs to be made to legislators. Perhaps the federal legislation will force the issue.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    I’m a fan of a primary in May or June.

    Of course the GA will tell you that this interferes with their session. Which I think is too long anyway.