Delaware Liberal

To David Anderson, this is a Man of God.

“I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today,” [Baptist Pastor Steve Anderson] told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday. To David Anderson, I suppose this is a “Christian” man.

As I said, we live in a violent world. Even a supposed Man of God, a preacher, a Christian, hopes for the death of those he opposes politically. And not just any death. A horrible painful death of brain cancer.

There is no wonder why cops are being killed. There is no wonder why random killings happen all. the. time. I mean, even a fucking priest thinks death is cool for someone he just disagrees with!!!! A fucking priest!

Like I said, there is no hope for our society. On days like this, when two unrelated stories merge together to provide reveal the true nature of our nature, I become despondent.

For some, that preacher in Arizona is a hero. For some, that thug in Georgetown is a hero.

And that is why we fail.

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