Delaware Liberal

Rumor Mill

Apparently Lavell “a leader who listens”  (lmao) is going to be running for Governor in 2012?  What’s Protack have to say about that?

Anyone seen Dave Burris since we blew up CRI?

If I remember one thing about Greg Lavelle it was that he was against not having the grass clippings and leaves going into the land fill.  After all, he has Sharpley that is nothing more than a bunch of Dupont retirees spending 80% of their time manicuring their lawns.  I’m sure all those retired engineers and chemist couldn’t think of a better way to get rid f grass and leaves.  Lavelle was up to the task and defended the honor of the trash haulers???I guess he does listen to his people.

The rumor I saw started n Mike Matthew’s facebook page…just sayin

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