Delaware Liberal

Serious QOD

Allow me to set up the scenario that I want serious feedback on.

I have 2 dogs, bassets.  One we got as a puppy and the other was a rescue.  The rescue, lulu is as friendly with adults as friendly can be.  She is an attention whore and basically is or thinks she is the alpha.  Period.  Not alpha dog, but alpha.  I’m pretty sure between Lulu and it is a tie in her mind between her and I.  She doesn’t respect Mrs. Hotviti and when repremanded by her for various dog misgivings she will pee somewhere in the house without fail.

My kids are afraid of her and don’t like to shew her off the couch or take her outside to go potty.  She starts fights with Roscoe our first dog.  She pretty much starts them whenever we have company over.  Whenever there is food around.  When she gets shewed off the couch and Roscoe happens to be in her path and generally when she is in a bad mood.

All this goes on and now, my son Dominic has been snapped at twice by Lulu, both resulting in injuries.  The first one she struck at his head and broke skin.  The cut started above his eyebrow, down his eyelid and onto his cheek.  We dismissed it as our fault.  she was sleeping and my daughter was around, not me, her peer.

Last week.  I was on the couch next to Lulu and she was resting this time and Dominic again surprised her.  She got him again, this time on the lip and it broke skin.

What would you do?

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