Delaware Liberal

They almost got me excited until

Here I was watching the news today and Obama fulfilling one of his campaign promises .

White House Voluntary Disclosure Policy
Visitor Access Records

Pretty sweet huh?  Wow, would have been nice under Bush to see all the people going in and out of the W house.  You can’t imagine how happy I am now to see that Obama is stepping up and allowing us to see what is going on behind closed doors.  Now we will get to see some serious shit.  Finally, some access to the house that is our house!

And as I read down the web page I come to this…

The White House voluntary disclosure policy will be subject to the following exceptions:

hewwww, boy.  This should be good.

1. The White House will not release fields within the access records that implicate personal privacy or law enforcement concerns (e.g., dates of birth, social security numbers, and contact phone numbers); records that implicate the personal safety of EOP staff (their daily arrival and departure); or records whose release would threaten national security interests.

whoooop, there it is!!!, sing it with me, whooop there it is!!!

Awwwwwwwwwww yeah, chilly chill in da house.  The national security card biznatch!  Suck on that stick mother fuckers.  Let’s just see how many redactions we get that will be applied to this little exception.

2. The White House will not release access records related to purely personal guests of the first and second families (i.e., visits that do not involve any official or political business)

Purely personal?  And who decides that one?  That don’t include official or political business?  Fucking A, I’m driving up there tomorrow.  Sounds to me like he has one of those open door policy my CFO has.  Sweet!  I’m sure this excuse will be used a few times.  I can see it now though, someone starts talking politics and Obama sticks his hand up and asks them not too so they make sure to keep their names public.

So far so good.  I don’t see any loopholes people could use in the white house.  After all, they only created memos and fake intel to take us to war.  No worries….I’m making binoculars with my hands right now and looking right into the White house!

3.  The White House will not release access records related to a small group of particularly sensitive meetings (e.g., visits of potential Supreme Court nominees).  The White House will disclose each month the number of records withheld on this basis, and it will release such records once they are no longer sensitive.

This just gets better and better.  I feel like I have an adirondack chair right outside the oval office.  At this point I don’t see how any body that sees the president is going to sneak by me.

Well, there you have it, transparency baby.

I wish we had this in delaware!

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