Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo & Nemski’s Music For the Masses-WXPN Desert Island Songs

The Beast Who Loves Non-Commercial Radio is a big fan of Philly’s WXPN (He’s a member!) and the U of D’s WVUD

Every year, ‘XPN does a countdown (from 885 to 1). This year’s countdown theme is Your Top 10 Desert Island songs. 

The Beast Who Overthinks Things ultimately chose the 10 songs that he would most enjoy listening to over and over again. A couple of the pieces are longer b/c, hey, El Somnambulo’s stuck on a desert island and ain’t goin’ nowhere. No doubt ‘bulo’s list would and will change next week, but he spent over a month allowing these choices to coalesce:


People Get Ready-The Impressions


The Girls On the Beach-The Beach Boys


Hickory Wind-Gram Parsons/The Byrds


The Wolves-Parts I and II-Bon Iver


Blue Monk-Thelonious Monk


I’ll Take It With Me-Tom Waits

El Somnambulo searched in vain for vids of his other four choices:

Dr. Wu-Steely Dan

Killin’ the Blues-Chris Smither

Tell the Truth-The Five Royales

Our Time-Stephen Sondheim (from the Broadway show, “Merrily We Roll Along”)

‘Bulo understands that Nemski will post his list today also. Please share yours with us.

And, if you’d like to post your list with XPN, you can do it here  and also maybe win some cool stuff.

What better way to waste some time on Labor Day weekend?

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