Words Fail

Filed in National by on September 6, 2009


At first I thought this was a joke, but it seems not.

Book Description from Amazon:

It happens to all of us: You’re minding your own business, when some idiot informs you that guns are evil, the Prius will save the planet, or the rich have to finally start paying their fair share of taxes.

Just go away! you think to yourself — but they only become more obnoxious. Your heart rate quickens. You start to sweat. You can’t get away. Your only hope is…

…this book.

Glenn Beck, author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers An Inconvenient Book and Glenn Beck’s Common Sense, has stumbled upon the secret formula to winning arguments against people with big mouths but small minds: knowing the facts.

What point is Beck trying to make with this image?  That he’s insane?  This is very disturbing, and, kinda familiar



About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. I saw that picture yesterday. I’m speechless. Also Arguing with Idiots? Is he talking about the voices in his head? The freaky make-up is also very off-putting. Are they trying to make him look like he got beaten?

  2. callerRick says:

    I think it’s Van Jones who got ‘beaten’….by Beck.

    OK, Van….you can put your tin-foil hat back on.

  3. Geezer says:

    Hat? I’m pretty sure he has a tin-foil three-piece suit. He bought it the same place Glenn Beck shops.