Deep Thought.
You know, maybe the President should create Death Panels, and FEMA concentration camps, and maybe we should deny Republicans health coverage and ration their healthcare. Maybe he should indoctrinate their children. Maybe he should take their guns. Maybe he should bring real socialism to this country and nationalize everything.
Republicans already think we are doing to do that. They are telling anyone who would listen that those are the President’s plans. Fuck it. Let’s do it. I want to be on a Death Panel.
There is no downside.
Train Wreck
And under your logic, maybe we on the Right should exercise our Second Amendment rights the way that Jefferson thought we should. Heck, you already claiming that we are insurrectionists, terrorists, and assassins, so where is the downside?
This whole thread sounds like a recipe for an EPIC FAIL.
What is EPIC FAIL is that I just described the right wing opposition to the President. I was not joking. I was not using hyperbole. All of those crazy stories is what passes for your loyal opposition. It is what you believe.
Your loyal opposition was to claim that the President of the United States conspired to murder Americans and aided/allowed an attack on US soil. Your loyal opposition was to claim that America deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Your loyal opposition was to question the legitimacy of the president’s election. Your loyal opposition was to call the president a fascist/Nazi. Your loyal opposition was to call for his death.
I just described LEFT WING opposition to the President for eight years. I wasn’t joking. I was not using hyperbole. All those crazy stories are what passed for your loyal opposition — that is what your kind believes.