Delaware Liberal

The Loyal Opposition

Yesterday, conservative commentator Rhymes with Right, in response to me saying what we all know to be true (that the Republican loyal opposition is controlled by the radical fringe of their party who believe that the President is not a natural born citizen, that believe he will create Death Panel, and that he seeks to indoctrinate their children), tried some false equivancy and said the following:

Your loyal opposition was to claim that the President of the United States conspired to murder Americans and aided/allowed an attack on US soil. Your loyal opposition was to claim that America deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Your loyal opposition was to question the legitimacy of the president’s election. Your loyal opposition was to call the president a fascist/Nazi. Your loyal opposition was to call for his death.

First, that President Bush’s election was in dispute in not a question of fact. It is a fact. Thus, it is not conspiracy theory to think he was not a legitimate President. One vote on the Supreme Court is the only reason Bush was ever President.

Second, it was not the liberals who said America deserved to be attacked on 9/11, that was your fellow conservatives Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.

Third, RWR confuses radical fringe with the establishment opposition. And in so doing he proves my point. There is no doubt that some liberals on our side of the fringe did call President Bush a Nazi, and some did believe he orchestrated or was involved in the 9/11 attacks. We call those latter liberals “Truthers.” They are akin to “Birthers” and “Deathers” today, in that they are adverse to facts and hold firm to conspiracy theories as their political ideology.

The difference between then and now, between the liberal or Democratic loyal opposition then and the conservative or Republican loyal opposition now is the liberal radical fringe was never in charge of the establishment opposition. We were led by weak compromising ineffective douchebags named Daschle, Reid and Gephardt. They were not “Truthers.” Indeed, I dare say that there were not “Truthers” in the Democratic Congressional Caucus, save Cynthia McKinney, who is all sorts of crazy, so much so that she was kicked out of office and the Democratic Party.

Now ask yourself, who is the face of the Republican Party today and who is likely to be the frontrunner for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination?

Former Governor Sarah Palin. And what is she? A “Deather.” Indeed, she is the original Deather. She was the one that created this lie on her Facebook page, that the government will create Death Panels.

The ranking Republican Senator on the Finance Committe, Chuck Grassley, is also a Deather.

Tonight, the official Republican response to President Obama’s healthcare speech will be made by Louisiana Rep. Charles Boustany (R). He is a Birther, an insane loon who does not believe the President of the United States was born in this country:

Here is another Republican Representative engaging in a nod and wink to her whacked out supporters:

The point here is the conservative radical fringe is the establishment opposition, a point RWR does not understand. The crazies on the Right are in charge of the Republican Party and speak for all its members. There is no analogy to today’s political situation to that of eight years ago.

Back then, Democrats were sane. Today, Republicans are not.

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