These are the Patriots.
Remember the stink Republicans made when the Speaker of the House said that the tea baggers had signs calling Democrats Nazis? They called her a liar, right?
Oh look, here they are threatening to come back next time with guns. I wonder what their intent would be?
Oh, here it is.
You see, a man who wins the election with over 365 electoral votes and 53% of the vote is a Usurper and an illegitimate president. But why is he really a usurper? Because he is black. Plain and simple. No, it is not about government spending because none of these people were marching on Washington during the spending spree during the Bush Administration. And it is not about taxes because their taxes are lower now then they were under a white guy. The President is a black man and these folks don’t like it that much. So these “patriots” want an illegal immoral violent and treasonous coup to get their way. Bring it, fucktards. We liberals can arm ourselves too. Plus, we got the military. Bring it.
Here’s more
Awww, what a wonderful religious moral sentiment. I wonder who paid for that…
A pro-life organization. Figures. No one celebrates death more like a pro-life organization.
Oh, and by the way, only 60,000 to 70,000 turned out to this laughable nonsensical protest. 3.5% of the reported goal of 2 million.
I think it’s hysterical that the Republican party is picking a fight with a dead guy.
Maybe they can finally win one, huh?
The only folks who reported a goal of 2 million were the Democrats.
And as for you liberals having the military — think again. Unlike the Red Chinese Army in 1989, the US Army will not fire on Americans — especially Americans they sympathize with.
And after Obama dragged Teddy’s rotting corpse into the House during the speech, he is fair game.
Well, now that he can’t speak, RWR, you might actually win a discussion with him!
Teddy couldn’t speak for years, PM — just the incoherent mumblings caused by too much alcohol and the tumor.
RWR, you are moderated. Your last comment about Ted Kennedy is beyond the pale.
Why can’t the right respect democracy? They’re fine when they win (and, of course, when they’re in power it’s treason to question the president), but when they lose it’s all “OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT!!!”. The Democrats won the election. You get a chance to change things in November of 2010. Until then, deal with it.
Oliver Willis went to this Gathering of the TeaTards and Tweeted his way through — funny stuff!
ps. This may be my favorite: Man this crowd almost as big as the one they had when Bush ran up the deficit… Oh wait that didn’t happen
You know what, DD — I don’t give a flying fuck off Chappaquidick Bridge in a car with a woman not my wife.
The reality is that Kennedy, once a marvelous orator, was incapable of cutting it as a speaker for 5 or 6 years before he died. Moderating comments that note that reality out — and the cause — of existence doesn’t change that reality.
Unlike the Red Chinese Army in 1989, the US Army will not fire on Americans
Pat Tillman would like to argue with you on that one…but he can’t
Oh, and for what it’s worth DD — you folks allowed significantly worse comments about Bob Novak and his tumor as you guys gleefully celebrated his demise.
And funny that johnny longtorso should mention treason.
You were making fun of his cancer. Not pointing out any realities.
This one is also good from Oliver:
Gay clubs in DC are gonna be off the hook tonight with closet case conservatives. I’m looking at you WeHo teabaggers.
LOL. DuPont Circle is definitely the place to find Republicans tonight.
60-70K sounds like a high estimate. I was seeing more like 30K. Let’s split the difference and say 50K. That’s pretty pitiful turnout for a weekend event highly promoted by Faux News.
Please God, let there be pictures!
And while we’re at it — TPM gets the picture that best represents results of the Gathering of the TeaTards.
Gee, DD, you are utterly amazing — you apparently know motivations that I don’t even know i have. Why don’t you start up your own psychic friends chatline?
I think that the 60K number is coming from the DC Fire Department.
Also via Oliver — while we begin to hear the revisionist history revising the numbers up now, we already know what millions of people on the Mall looks like.
I am pretty amazing, but I do not require psychic abilities to know your motives. You put your disgusting cruel horrible self out there for the world to see.
Cassie — are you suggesting that the protesters are somehow responsible for where a police horse later drops a load?
Bullshit, DD — or perhaps, more appropriately for this discussion, horse shit!
Stay classy, RWR.
RWR. You’re an asshole. Over on Fox’s blog they are still trying to claim hundreds of thousands attended while whining the media is intentionally undercounting. LOL. Truth is, the radicals have hijacked the party rendering the GOP mostly irrelevant, unless you like freak shows.
Rhyme wrote “Unlike the Red Chinese Army in 1989, the US Army will not fire on Americans”
I guess you forgot about Kent State.
don’t you know that that was a comedy festival for these folks? they were mostly there for a release and their own shitsandgiggles. most who showed up just wanted to out-do each other, who could take it to a higher level, sorta like the Aristocrats skit.
this was their superbowl….well more like the Div III National Championship, by the size of the crowd! lol
You can make fun of Sen. Kennedy, but I think he was loud and clear in this speech to his fellow senators:
I was thinking of going, but couldn’t afford a Saturday off with the new position at my job.
The insane level of racism driving this movement is one reason I have pulled back from it.
Even Chris Shirey, Delaware Tea Party organizer, can’t talk about healthcare reform for 30 seconds without talking about illegal immigrants. Not saying she is racist, but it does seem like this “predominantly Caucasian and middle aged” crowd, as NPR put it yesterday, has been used as an outlet for racists to spew their thinly veiled hate.
I am just not comfortable with it any longer.
Another Mike: Kennedy was always loud and clear. That’s why the crazies are still fighting with him. They want to win at least once and figure now that’s he’s dead, they’ve got their chance.
When you think about it, it’s kind of pathetic.
Ban RWR, Save the world.
“Why can’t the right respect democracy?”
Because for too long these lovers of the CIA have played this same game in Third World countries — when the people will support the right politician, then let’s have a vote. When they don’t, let’s have a coup. When you think this behavior is A-OK overseas, it’s only a matter of time before you apply it domestically as well.
Great point Geezer. Add in the fact that the grown-ups in Republican “leadership” have been cowed into acquiescence, and we are now seeing the soul of America’s right wing unfiltered.
Exactly! I said this in another thread. Dr. Frankenstein (GOP leadership) created the monster that will turn on them if they don’t follow the path that the GOP put them on! Oh, the irony.
Even Chris Shirey, Delaware Tea Party organizer, can’t talk about healthcare reform for 30 seconds without talking about illegal immigrants. Not saying she is racist, but it does seem like this “predominantly Caucasian and middle aged” crowd, as NPR put it yesterday, has been used as an outlet for racists to spew their thinly veiled hate.
Well said. Listening to them is just plain uncomfortable. But the GOP has housed that ‘element’ since the late 50s. It is not new. They’ve just added hispanics to the list of people who aren’t “real Americans.” What is amazing is they call themselves Christians with a straight face.
As for yesterday’s event, consider only about 60,000 people showed up. They draw biggger crowds in DC for gay pride marches. Maybe this “movement” has run its course, though I doubt it.
Anybody who is normal or interested in intelligent debate has either left the GOP or crawled under a rock. The sad truth is we have watched the destruction of a political party. These tea baggers are just about all that is left. And while the right thing to do would be to distance themselves from this crowd, I suspect the GOP will continue to cater to them. Politically, I can’t see how that strategy works. Morally, it’s despicable.
60 to 70 thousand…. Which liberal crack smoker told you that?
Time lapse video of people going to the mall:
I’m not sure how many people made it… But there are way more than 60-70 thousand. That’s just one camera looking at it from one direction!
Fox News reported 60,000 to 70,000 actually. So did ABC, after they busted the organizers for lying about the attendance, claiming it was 2 million. DC police, whose figure is used as official statistics for the city, had attendance between 60,000 and 70,000. Gay pride marches draw bigger crowds. The buses have left and are now heading south. Next stop: South Carolina.
The liberal crack smoking DC fire department made the estimate. Even Faux News reported “tens of thousands.”
QOD: How can one be a socialist and at the same time a Nazi?
Uh, anon, was that facetious, or what–given that Nazi means National Socialist, the party which had the original name of NDSAP, National German Socialist Workers’ Party.
In both popular thought and academic scholarship, Nazism is generally considered a form of fascism – attracting support primarily from the far right. Fascism comprises a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Socialism does not and is more based on an economic platform that opposes the inequality of capitalism. So surely you are not citing socialism in the Nazi name as implying they were a socialistic party with a leftist ideology? Because they were not, and as a WWII scholar, you already know that. But really, my point was, if Nazism = fascism = authoritarian nationalist political ideology, how does Obama fit that label. Just curious. And how could he be extreme right and extreme left at the same time? Just curious.
Because the reality is that fascism was an ideology of the Left — or at least it was according to Mussolini, who was the originator of fascism.
Let them rally. Every-time they do, they dig the republican grave deeper… soon the republican party will have no choice but repudiate them, sort of the same way the Democrats had to run away from the hippie movement after McGovern.
These guys are so funny we will still be making jokes about them 30 years hence. Instead of laughing about their bell bottoms, we will be making jokes about their brains…
I think it’s quite appropriate that someone mentioned they couldn’t gather up more support than gay pride get-togethers… What losers these tea baggers are…
or better put: 2 million braved the cold vrs 70,000 on a beautiful day…hmmm: odds against them 20 to 1… Why does anyone even bother talking about these fools?
“RWR, you are moderated. Your last comment about Ted Kennedy is beyond the pale.”
You’re one to talk DD. I suspect this is more of DL’s typical moderation of “offensive comments” by those who aren’t liberals, when you guys fill this place with vile crap on a regular basis.
Anon – Facism is not a right-wing ideology. It is distinctly leftist
From wiki. You can find many other descriptions, most of which have fascism as a distinctly right wing ideology. You stand corrected.
Fascism is normally described as “extreme right”[25], but writers on the subject have often found placing fascism on a conventional left-right political spectrum difficult.[26] There is a scholarly consensus that fascism was influenced by both the left and the right.[27] A number of historians have regarded fascism either as a revolutionary centrist doctrine, as a doctrine which mixes philosophies of the left and the right, or as both of those things.[28][29][30]
The historians Eugen Weber,[31] David Renton,[32] and Robert Soucy[33] view fascism as on the ideological right. Rod Stackelberg argues that fascism opposes egalitarianism (particularly racial) and democracy, which according to him are characteristics that make it an extreme right-wing movement.[34] Stanley Payne states that pre-war fascism found a coherent identity through alliances with right-wing movements[35] Roger Griffin argues that since the end of World War II, fascist movements have become intertwined with the radical right, describing certain groups as part of a “fascist radical right”.[36][37]
Walter Laqueur says that historical fascism “did not belong to the extreme Left, yet defining it as part of the extreme Right is not very illuminating either”, but that it “was always a coalition between radical, populist (‘fascist’) elements and others gravitating toward the extreme Right”.[38] Payne says “fascists were unique in their hostility to all the main established currents, left right and center”, noting that they allied with both left and right, but more often the right.[39][40] However, he contends that German Nazism was closer to Russian communism than to any other non-communist system. [41]
The position that fascism is neither right nor left is regarded as credible by a number of contemporary historians, including Seymour Martin Lipset[42] and Roger Griffin.[43] Griffin argued, “Not only does the location of fascism within the right pose taxonomic problems, there are good ground for cutting this particular Gordian knot altogether by placing it in a category of its own “beyond left and right.”[44]
On economic issues, fascists reject ideas of class conflict and internationalism, which are commonly held by Marxists and international socialists, in favour of class collaboration and statist nationalism.[45][46] However, Italian fascism also declared its objection to excessive capitalism, which it called supercapitalism.[47] Zeev Sternhell sees fascism as an anti-Marxist form of socialism.[48]
A number of fascist movements described themselves as a “third force” that was outside the traditional political spectrum altogether.[49] Mussolini promoted ambiguity about fascism’s positions in order to rally as many people to it as possible, saying fascists can be “aristocrats or democrats, revolutionaries and reactionaries, proletarians and anti-proletarians, pacifists and anti-pacifists”.[50] Mussolini claimed that Italian Fascism’s economic system of corporatism could be identified as either state capitalism or state socialism, which in either case involved “the bureaucratisation of the economic activities of the nation.”[51] Mussolini described fascism in any language he found useful.[50][52] Spanish Falangist leader José Antonio Primo de Rivera was critical of both left-wing and right-wing politics, once saying that “basically the Right stands for the maintenance of an economic structure, albeit an unjust one, while the Left stands for the attempt to subvert that economic structure, even though the subversion thereof would entail the destruction of much that was worthwhile”.[53]
Roger Eatwell sees terminology associated with the traditional “left-right” political spectrum as failing to fully capture the complex nature of the ideology[54] and many other political scientists have posited multi-dimensional alternatives to the traditional linear left-right spectrum. [55] In some two dimensional political models, such as the Political Compass (where left and right are described in purely economic terms), fascism is ascribed to the economic centre, with its extremism expressing itself on the authoritarianism axis instead
RWR: As a matter of fact, it was not Mussilini who developed fascism or Nazism. The ideology started in Germany in 1919 and is well documented by historians.
Again, I don’t see how Obama can be portrayed as a Nazi and a communist and a socialist. The point, I believe, is people throw around terms when they have no idea what they are talking about. It should be noted that fascism was not my original point – the word Nazi was, which is defined as fascism but was unique to Germany. The argument came back that because the word socialism is included in Nazi, that therefore it must be leftist. That is also incorrect.
By definition, fascism comprises a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology. That is not Obama.
I thought RWR teaches history?
Obama fits well with components of both Fascism and Socialism.
When facts get in the way, just keep repeating the falsehoods, especially when you’ve been beaten down by facts. It’s easier huh Mikey?