Physicians Overwhelmingly Support The Public Option

Filed in National by on September 15, 2009

As Obama pointed out in his speech last week, the U.S. has been attempting to reform its health care for many years. In years past, the opposition of physicians has been partially responsible for failure of reform. If these new poll results are any indication, this year may finally be the year that we get health care reform. The poll was conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine.

When polled, “nearly three-quarters of physicians supported some form of a public option, either alone or in combination with private insurance options,” says Dr. Salomeh Keyhani. She and Dr. Alex Federman, both internists and researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, conducted a random survey, by mail and by phone, of 2,130 doctors. They surveyed them from June right up to early September.

Most doctors — 63 percent — say they favor giving patients a choice that would include both public and private insurance. That’s the position of President Obama and of many congressional Democrats. In addition, another 10 percent of doctors say they favor a public option only; they’d like to see a single-payer health care system. Together, the two groups add up to 73 percent.

When the American public is polled, anywhere from 50 to 70 percent favor a public option. So that means that when compared to their patients, doctors are bigger supporters of a public option.

I think it’s getting more and more likely that we’ll get some meaningful health insurance reform this year. Poll results like these should help put some spines in some of the more spineless Democrats.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    It seems like doctors aren’t any fonder of insurance companies than the rest of us are. I imagine doctors are looking at the serious reduction in their own office overhead if they didn’t have to employ so many people to just manage the insurance co paperwork.

    I think that there will be some steps towards reform — and mainly along the lines of what is already agreed to. Personally, I don’t think that the public option will survive — which is really too bad.

  2. Puzzler says:

    I don’t think the paperwork associated with current government insurers (medicare and medicaid) is a walk in the park either. But doctors are familiar with these programs. And they are apparently unconcerned that one more will lead to death panels and communist detention camps.

    Stupid doctors.

  3. jacksmith says:

    Why A Strong Public Option Is Essential – By jacksmith — Working Class

    Robert Reich explains the pubic option:

    John Garamendi on the Public Option and the Grassroots:

    It’s not just because more than two thirds of the American people want a single payer health care system. And if they cant have a single payer system 77% of all Americans want a strong government-run public option on day one (86% of democrats, 75% of independents, and 72% republicans). Basically everyone.

    It’s not just because according to a new AARP POLL: 86 percent of seniors want universal healthcare security for All, including 93% of Democrats, 87% of Independents, and 78% of Republicans. With 79% of seniors supporting creating a new strong Government-run public option plan, available immediately. Including 89% of Democrats, 80% of Independents, and 61% of Republicans, STUNNING!!

    It’s not just because it will lower cost. Because a strong public option will dramatically lower cost for everyone. And dramatically improved the quality of care everyone receives in America and around the World. Rich, middle class, and poor a like.

    It’s not just because it will save trillions of dollars and prevent the needless deaths of millions more of YOU, caused by a rush to profit by the DISGRACEFUL, GREED DRIVEN, PRIVATE FOR PROFIT MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!

    It’s not just because every expert in every field, including economist, and Nobel laureates all agree that free market based healthcare systems don’t work. Never have and never will. The US has the only truly free market based healthcare system in the World. And as you all know now, IT IS A DISASTER!

    It’s not just because providing or denying medically necessary care for profit motivations is wrong. Because it is WRONG! It’s professionally, ethically, and morally REPUGNANT!, Animalistic, VILE and EVIL.


    The public option is ESSENTIAL because over 200 million of you are trapped in the forest of the wolves. Which is the forest of the DISGRACEFUL, GREED DRIVEN, PRIVATE FOR PROFIT MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! With no way out except through needless inhumane suffering, and DEATH. While the wolves tear at your flesh, and rip you limb from lib. Then feast on your lifeless bodies like a dead carcase for transplant parts.

    At the most vulnerable times of your lives (when you were sick and hurting), millions of you have had to fight and loose cruel, but heroic battles. Fighting against the big guns of the DISGRACEFUL, GREED DRIVEN, PRIVATE FOR PROFIT MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! in the forest of the wolves. All because you have no place else to go. You have no other CHOICE!

    But the PUBLIC OPTION will give you someplace safe to go. And it will give us someplace safe to take you. The public option will be your refugium (your refuge). Where the wolves cannot get at you when your down, hurting, and vulnerable. Where everyone who needs it can find rest, security, comfort and the care they need. Protected by the BIG GUNS of We The People Of The United States. THE MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE AND COUNTRY ON EARTH.

    This is why it is so critical that we do not lead another 50 million vulnerable, uninsured Americans into the forest of the wolves, without the protections of a Strong Government-run public option. We The People Of The United States MUST NOT LET THAT HAPPEN to any more of our fellow Americans. If healthcare reform does not contain a strong public option on day one. YOU MUST! KILL IT. Or you will do far more harm than good. And millions more will die needlessly. Rich, middle class, and poor a like.

    To those who would continue to obstruct good and true healthcare reform for the American people, and who seek to trap millions more vulnerable Americans in the forest of the wolves. We will continue to fight you. We are prepared to wage all out war against you, and will eagerly DESTROY! you. Time…is…UP! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! No Co-op’s! No Triggers! NO INDIVIDUAL MANDATES! without a Strong public option on day one.

    Healthcare reform can be the GREATEST! Accomplishment of our time and century. A time when future generations may say of us, that we were all, AMERICAS GREATEST GENERATIONS.


    I therefore call on all my fellow Americans and the peoples of the World. To join us in this fight so that we may finish becoming the better America that we aspire to be for everyone.


    I have been privileged to be witness as many of you fought, and struggled to take your first breath, and your last breath on this earth. Rich, middle class, and poor a like. Life is precious.

    Whatever the cost. WE! MUST SUCCEED.

    God Bless You My Fellow Human Beings

    jacksmith — Working Class

    No Triggers!


    Krugman on heathcare (

    Senator Bernie Sanders on healthcare (

  4. Miscreant says:

    More media bias, or merely selective fact gathering?

    “Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration’s claims that doctors are part of an “unprecedented coalition” supporting a medical overhaul.

    It also differs with findings of a poll released Monday by National Public Radio that suggests a “majority of physicians want public and private insurance options,” …

    “The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA’s support of Democrats’ proposed health care overhaul.”

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Considering that IBD was one of the primary sources for the Obama as a Socialist propaganda, I take their voodoo with a grain of salt.

  6. Well, the link to the NEJM poll results is in the post, so you can examine them for yourself.

  7. Scott P says:

    I think that in addition to the paperwork idea there is the radical notion that most physicians actually care about people’s well-being. And with that in mind, they are able to cut through the crap flying around and see that reform is in everyone’s (except maybe insurance co. CEOs) best interest. The more people there are who have access to appropriate health care, the better off everyone is.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    And who reports the results of a poll that isn’t finished data collection yet?

    Responses are still coming in, and doctors’ positions on related topics — including the impact of an overhaul on senior care, medical school applications and drug development[…]

    ADDING — who reports the result of a real poll on their editorial page?

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Nate Silver weighs in with his assessment of this IBD poll.

  10. mike w. says:

    Convenient Cassandra, ignore a poll that doesn’t fit with your worldview while acting like the one that supports your view is gospel.

    BTW the article appears to be on the “News & Analysis” page.

    And who reports the results of a poll that isn’t finished data collection yet?

    You’re kidding right?

  11. A. price says:

    mike why dont you want americans to be healthy?

  12. nemski says:

    a price, mike wants americans to be armed and healthy!

  13. mike w. says:

    I want to preserve freedom of choice, which government-run healthcare will not do. Isn’t freedom to choose the epitome of freedom? Whether it’s with regards to healthcare, abortion, or the keeping & bearing of arms.

    I want a more efficient health care system with less bureacracy which government run healthcare will not achieve.