Rumor Patrol: Beau Biden Will Run For Senate

Filed in National by on September 17, 2009

FWIW, here’s the latest rumor from Political Wire.

Delaware Attorney Gen. Beau Biden (D) is expected to return from his National Guard duty in Iraq at the end of the month, reports WBOC-TV. The big decision awaiting him is whether he’ll run for the U.S. Senate vacated by his father.

“Barred from politics while on active duty, Biden has not been able to say a word about the expectations that have mounted while he was gone.”

However, Erin McPike reports it looks like Biden “is definitely in” the race and that would likely affect the decision making of the leading Republican who might run, Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE).

It sounds like the end of the month should be interesting. The end of September is also Mike Castle’s latest self-imposed deadline. Are Castle and Biden in some kind of dance waiting to see who jumps first? Anyway, I’ll go with my gut feel that Castle isn’t running.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. wikwox says:

    Say it ain’t so Beau! I have zero confidence that Delaware wants another Biden in the Senate. The Dems would do better to seek another candidate. Having said that I would joyfully vote for Beau over Mike “Birther Buddy” Castle the Moderately Conservative.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Who is Erin McPike? This whole thing is sourced on a Twitter entry by her that says that:
    Dynamic in Delaware has changed: now looks like Beau Biden is definitely in, and THAT could affect the 50/50 on Mike Castle’s decision.

    Wish I could tell how she comes to this assessment that Beau is in…

  3. anon says:

    I was wondering who was going to write the monthly “Castle To Retire” post now that Jason is gone. Thanks for stepping up, UI.

  4. Miscreant says:

    So, now she’s like the Castle Retirement Czar?


  5. Kilroy says:

    A deal was cut between the Delaware GOP and the Biden camp. The GOP will put Protack up against Beau Biden and the Dems will put up Tommy Capano agianst the GOP’s Ferris Wharton for Attorney General. Kilroy runs for Attorney General Chauffeur ( a newly elected position only if Ferris wins)

  6. RSmitty says:

    Interesting article, John. At least Castle is candid yet humble about it, Wilson not so much. From what I learned in my life about ex-Gov Terry, being called a “liar” may have been one of the softest adjectives someone could have said about him. Difference between Joe Wilson calling President Obama a liar and Castle effectively calling Terry to the carpet AND explaining it was, Castle was probably right. Of course, I wasn’t there, nor on this earth when that happened, so all I have is what I was taught about Terry and this article about Castle you linked.

  7. John Manifold says:

    Smitty: Terry has an interesting legacy, but neither of us was there and it’s not wise to say that Castle, then a 28-year-old rookie, “was probably right” and the former Chief Justice was wrong. I don’t know either. I do think that MNC remains a bit embarrassed by the episode, but he learned from the experience.

    Indeed, Terry’s single critical error – holding the National Guard in Wilmington for the last nine months of his term – was several days away, as the meeting in question occurred during that interesting four-day limbo between LBJ’s decision not to run for reelection and the murder of MLK.

    Terry’s term saw much good-government reform and progressive legislation. His was the last pre-Cabinet, so his impact on departmental operations was blunted, but he was a worthy successor to Carvel and capable predecessor to Peterson.

  8. Patricia C. Gallagher Celli says:
