Delaware Liberal

Guest Post: Kowalko’s Open Letter to Delaware’s Delegation

Dear Senators Carper, Kauffman and Congressman Castle,

As a Delaware State legislator whose focus and efforts are dedicated to the best interests of all Delawareans just as your efforts have always been focused, I am writing you to ask you to reconsider the consequences of your vote to cut-off “housing and community grant funding” to ACORN.

I fully realize the difficulty, despite the media portrayal that it was “easy”, in casting such a vote. However I feel it is my responsibility to inform you of the potentially disastrous consequences of such a vote. These consequences will directly impact many of the most vulnerable families in Delaware who are at imminent risk of joining the ranks of the homeless and foregoing any chance of participating in the “American dream”.

I also ask you to ponder that, as a representative of the people of Delaware, consideration should be given to the fact that Delaware ACORN is untainted by scandal and has acquitted itself well, throughout its history, as a servant of the most vulnerable and at risk people in Delaware.

As you are aware, Delaware Superior Court President Judge Vaughn recently signed an administrative directive to assist those desperate homeowners facing foreclosure proceedings on their homes. You should also be aware that Delaware ACORN was prominent in bringing this program to fruition. What you may not be aware of, and I ask you to consider, is the fact that ACORN had committed its resources and people to be the foremost outreach group responsible for notifying those affected homeowners so that mandated time constraints would be complied with. Violation of these time constraints could render the mediation program inaccessible to these homeowners.

ACORN’s ability to outreach in specific areas of the community is an integral part of the to the success of the mediation program. This program is consistent with the economic recovery for all residents of Delaware and specifically those families facing loss of their homes.

Your vote to cut off “housing and community grant funding” to ACORN neutralizes ACORN”S ability to participate in outreach and counseling and risks irreparable damage to a program, nine months in the making, that would not only boost the economic recovery for Delaware but also allow Delaware families to keep alive their chance to participate in the great American dream of independency and success.

I hope you will reconsider your vote based on consideration of the damage that will be suffered by Delaware families and see fit to somehow correct these unintended circumstances.

Respectfully yours,

John A. Kowalko Jr.
Delaware State Representative 25th District

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