Delaware Liberal

Ho hum, destroyed CIA documents…no crime, just protecting Merika

I can’t even imagine what this would be like under a Democrat. The screaming that was done when they found somebody was sneaking out stuff in their socks was un real. But nothing, NOTHING when we learn that the CIA destroyed evidence.

How can you even get angry anymore? Our legal systems and the fuktards that excuse this are the real threats to this country. Everyone hates those lawyers that persue tort reform, but no one on the right has a problem with this? These lawyers are fucking up the USA? These criminals are ruining america? Destroying evidence is ok? Go ahead defend torture, dare even say they didn’t torture. Do it with a straight face. Because if what they did ‘was’ legal, they sure as shit wouldn’t destroy evidence would they.

I guess I hate America because I want criminals prosecuted. Regardless of who the fuck in in power.

Missing Torture Documents

We know that the CIA destroyed critical evidence of Bush-authorized torture of prisoners. We also know that critical evidence in the Padilla trial went missing – tapes of his final torture session. Now we discover, as Marcy Wheeler first noticed, that documents previously cited by the Bush administration no longer exist:

After President Obama took office, he issued a new FOIA policy, instructing executive branch agencies to “adopt a presumption in favor” of releasing information. The Obama Justice Department reprocessed the ACLU’s earlier request under the new guidelines. But when they did so, department officials discovered that 10 documents listed on the index compiled by the Bush administration were nowhere to be found. The Justice Department noted this in a filing [PDF] by David Barron, an acting assistant attorney general, which was submitted last week as part of the ongoing ACLU case and first highlighted by Firedoglake blogger Marcy Wheeler. Barron acknowledged in the filing that even more documents could be missing, because “many” of the documents the Obama team did find were “not certain matches” to the ones on the Bush administration’s list.

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