Delaware Liberal

Breaking: Carper Votes Against Rockfeller Public Option –UPDATED

Via Steve Benen:

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) proposed a robust public option, with funding tied to Medicare rates. The final vote was not close — every Republican on the panel voted against it, as did Democratic Sens. Max Baucus (Mont.), Kent Conrad (N.D.), Tom Carper (Del.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), and Bill Nelson (Fla.). Of those, Carper’s opposition came as something of a surprise, as did Nelson’s vote.

The final vote, then, was eight to 15.

The Schumer Amendment is coming up for a vote — and his amendment adds a Public Option similar to the one in the HELP bill. Not tied to Medicare rates, but rates negotiated as if it were a separate insurance company.

Also via Benen– the Schumer vote is done:

The committee just voted, and defeated Schumer’s measure, 10 to 13. Two Dems who voted against the Rockefeller Amendment — Bill Nelson and Tom Carper — switched to support this approach, but Baucus, Conrad, and Lincoln still voted with the GOP.

So Carper did finally vote for a Public Option. Baucus is still shilling for his co-ops and the other two need to lose their seats.

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