Visual Aid; Why Olympics are Unamerican in Chicago

Filed in International by on October 2, 2009


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hiding in the open

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  1. anonie says:

    Welfare. Are you referring to Medicaid or Medicare? What about TARP? Is that welfare? What about the subsidizes to oil? Do they count? What about the huge tax breaks to the upper 2% of the population? Is that welfare?

    Anyway, white America gets the largest chunk of what most be see as welfare, food stamps. Those white Americans are mostly children, the largest group of people receiving public assistance. I understand giving children a free ride is immoral. They should be left to die.

    Rural poverty is one of the least covered epidemics in the US, with the Appalachian mountain region, the old southern cotton belt and the Rio Grande Valley/Texas Gulf Coast the nation’s leaders for welfare recipients. The poverty rate in rural America is higher than in urban America.

    The actual cost of welfare programs is about 1 percent of the federal budget and 2 percent of state budgets, less so in Delaware. Statistically, most welfare recipients are working Americans whose wages are below the poverty line. Percentage wise, most of them are white.

    The die line was a bad joke, but that would certainly be the outcome for many American children without some form of federal aid.

  2. Progressive Mom says:

    According to Bill Bennett, it’s because in Chicago all there is to see is “fat people, eating.”

    He ought to know. The man is a walking billboard for overindulgences of all kinds….

  3. D.C. says:

    Many argue that hosting the Olympics would have actually resulted in a massive net loss for Chicago.

    This has nothing to do with race, but unfortunately bottom-feeders like you will write horrible things for shock value.

    Obama didn’t get want he wanted. He and his PR team failed to convince the IOC. Therefore, race must be at the center of this.

    I would have loved to have seen Chicago (or any other US city) host the Olympics. But it didn’t happen. Stop crying and get over it.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    DC, a bottom-feeder is something that scrounges around looking for an easy nut, such as somehow equating a failed Olympic bid as some sort of repudiation of the administration’s agenda or the president, himself, as a person. If Obama didn’t go to Copenhagen, he would have been the only leader of the 4 finalist not to show up. Also, it was Rio’s to lose since the games have never been in South America, and the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil will be an excellent primer for the games.

    It would have been a boon to Chi-town, economically, since most of the infrastructure is already in place, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it receives the bid for 2020.

    But the reaction from the conservatives has been atrocious. This rooting against anything for the sake of spite is just another death nail to the small, increasingly insignificant conservative movement. Those participating in the circle jerk might feel good about themselves, but to the 80%+ watching the sickening display, it’s just one more reason to dismiss the GOP as not serious enough, intellectually and emotionally, to lead anything of consequence.

  5. Bill Bennett is more used to looking at people gambling and eating. You can see why he’s confused.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Bill Bennett is dead inside, soulless, like the rest of his ilk.