Delaware Liberal Ranked #1 Blog in DE !!!!

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2009

Suck on that Bitches!

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hiding in the open

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  1. RSmitty says:

    There was a vote? Are you detoxing?

  2. Donviti says:

    check the link!

  3. It’s a jpeg. Is the vote only by Donviti?

  4. RSmitty says:

    When I saw “middle finger” in the link address, I figured I probably shouldn’t at this time, but hey. In the spirit of things, I said, What The Eff and saw it. Makes me remember when the DonViti and I had those coffee clatches. Good times, good mother effing times. (Snoop shakes head at Donviti)

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    No, Cato at Delmarva Dealings released his quarterly report on the Alexa rankings.

    Here is the ranking (with the lower Alexa ranking the better)(the percentages in parenthesis are the increase in page views from the last quarter):

    Delaware Liberal 666,313 (+80.00%)
    Delaware Libertarian 1,302,547 (+80.00%) 3,188,488 (no change)
    Resolute Determination 4,604,002 (+800.00%)
    Tommy Wonk 7,799,422 (+100.00%)

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Delaware Liberal has increased its ranking from last quarter from 858,271 to 666,313. Interesting. Oh, and we are evil. 666.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Donviti must be back on the sauce…

  8. Donviti says:

    I’m high on life!

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I find the numbers for particularly interesting. They have taken a right turn into LaLa land with the loss of Smitty and Burris. Burris didn’t help with his brief return, playing the part of the avenger. It is sometimes like reading a dumbed down version of Limbaugh’s show.

    I am glad that the other DL is improving, as I think Steve and team, while also crazy, do actually put thought into their posts.

  10. Steve Newton says:

    But LG what I want to know is why Delmarva Dealings listed us last even though the numbers show us as second?

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    I fixed that Steve in my comment here. I have no idea why Cato did that.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps he is bad at math???

    I think that you have an advantage, Steve, in that you draw a much more national audience. Sure, we have Progressive Mom and RwR, but you do draw people from all over the weird world of libertarianism.

  13. Steve Newton says:

    I resemble that remark, LG.

    And you’re right: particularly during active election seasons I get lots and lots of hits for covering Libertarian candidates, but that is partly a function of sources as much as ideology, in the sense that aside from Tyler I have virtually no insider sources on politics in Delaware. On the other hand, I do have lots of contacts within the Libertarian movement.

  14. RSmitty says:

    Cripe, I miss blogging, hence a guest post or when I send Cassandra some bacon-inspired note. Then, I go and surf around and suddenly realize why I don’t miss it.

  15. Miscreant says:

    Congratulations! This is the first place I visit when I need a good laugh. Keep up the good work!


  16. Donviti says:

    we are poisoning your mind sublimimiminallly