Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread

Babble away.

Remember last week when we discussed the growing Becklash? Well, Media Matters is documenting and there’s been a lot more piling on since last week.

* Former Bush and McCain adviser Mark McKinnon denouncing Levin's "jaw-dropping hate language about the president." * MSNBC commentator and former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough blasting Limbaugh's cheers after Chicago lost its Olympic bid: "Republicans have gone off the deep end" These are just a few examples of a serious trend. Right-wing media figures are now routinely attacking each other's tactics and relevancy. On Friday, Brooks (nonsensically) dedicated an entire column to explaining why conservative media leaders like Beck and Limbaugh are not worthy of attention. He argued that we are once again witnessing "the story of media mavens who claim to represent a hidden majority but who in fact represent a mere niche -- even of the Republican Party." It's a point he made several weeks earlier, when he said that "[i]f the Republican Party is sane, they will say no to these people." Beck, in turn, responded by reading Brooks' editorial on the air and mocking the idea that he was the overlord of thoughtless, right-wing radio audiences who will "kill people will kill people because we tell you to." Feeling defensive, Glenn?
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