Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 9, 2009

Are you ready for the weekend? I am!

Here’s some thoughts to get you started:

NASA bombs the moon! Why didn’t Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama save the moon? Huh?

At 4:31 a.m. Pacific time (7:31 a.m. Eastern time), one piece of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite — LCROSS, for short — slammed into the bottom of a crater at 5,600 miles per hour, excavating about 350 metric tons of the moon and leaving behind a hole about 65 feet wide, 13 feet deep.

Trailing four minutes behind, instruments aboard the second piece analyzed the rising plume and sent its observations back to Earth before it also slammed into the same crater.

Of greatest interest is whether there is water ice hidden in the crater’s perpetual darkness and frigidness. The data could play into the debate over where NASA’s human spaceflight program should aim next, whether to return to the Moon or head elsewhere in the solar system neighborhood. The presence of large significant amounts of water could make it easier to set up future settlements with the ice providing water and oxygen.


Second thought – Facebook. Smitty actually suggested this topic Wednesday, and I think it’s a good idea.

How do you use Facebook? What do you do about friends that post political content, especially if you disagree with it? Do you post political content? Do you get into FB flame wars? Have you ever “de-friended” someone?

I tend to keep my content fairly non-political because a lot of my FB friends are people I went to school with in KY, many of whom are very conservative. I just don’t want to get into fights with people I know all the time but it does feel like I’m hiding a portion of myself, not that this is necessarily a bad thing.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Scott P says:

    I got done reading the long, three-part Salon series on Glenn Beck. Very interesting. Traces his history from childhood to the start of his syndicated show. It proves that he didn’t just start being an annoying, psychotic ass recently. If anything, the Beck we have now is the older, wiser, more mature Glenn Beck. Scary thought.

  2. RICO says:

    This day in history October 9, 1967:

    Che Guevara revolutionary and former right hand man to Cuban Premier Fidel Castro, was executed today for attempting to organize a revolution in Bolivia.

  3. RSmitty says:

    Evita stage production at the Everett Theatre in Middletown starts tonight. One show Friday, two on Saturday, and one on Sunday this and next weekend. The Mrs. Smitty is a part of the production (someone has to put the chairs in the right spot on the stage – kidding!). If you like to watch these performances, please consider it, they really need the support! Oh, and the Smitty kids want it to be successful given all the Daddy-quality time they have had to endure…er, I mean enjoy these last few months.

  4. Geezer says:

    Oct. 9, 2009: Dickheaded troll RICO posts something about Communist revolutionaries, apparently because he’s afraid they’re hiding under his bed.