Delaware Liberal

O’Donnell Gets Her Peak Wingnut On.

It really is a classic. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell lambasts the President for getting the award because …. wait for it…. the President should be more belligerent and desirous of war. Before we get to that point of the rant, let’s review something that she gets wrong in her third sentence of her guest post:

It’s highly unlikely that they nominated him on the merits of his predecessor, so I am a bit confused about which accomplishments as a community organizer qualified him for this award.

Ah, Christine! That is precisely why the award was made: his predecessor. I will let Kavips explain:

He won the prize not because he was so good… but because: THE REPUBLICANS WERE SO BAD. Horrible really, a national disgrace.. America is paying the price for it today.

This metaphor best describes it.

It’s as if one drained a sewer and let nature take over. Those who stood at its lip and quaffed at the odious stench a year ago, returned one year later to see a few blades of grass and flowers sprouting… noticed a tremendous difference… And to anyone living near that sewer, the difference is cataclysmic… No smell, no putridness, no gagging, all traits experienced under the Republican leadership…

So some credit is due. Obama drained the sewer. But it needs to be remembered, his winning of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009, is not a measure of how he was so great.. he is normal… It reflects instead, that the Republican Party is so vile, stinky, with a putrid smell that makes one vomit, that any improvement, however slight, is welcome.

Get it Christine. The predecessor, George W. Bush, that you admire so much was so God awful that he just may have won his successor the Nobel Peace Prize for the sole accomplishment of NOT being George W. Bush or a Republican. So, you got it wrong, President Obama did not win the Nobel Peace Prize on the merits of his predecessor, he won it on the demerits of him.

But let’s continue with Christine’s rant:

So let’s take a look at what he’s done to achieve world peace during the first few months of his Presidency. […]

In the past few months, the Obama Administration has cut our missile defense spending in the midst of a pending nuclear war, turned its back on Israel in her own fight against Iran, denied access the best equipment for our military, but takes regular jaunts overseas for great photo-ops.

So, let me get this straight, Christine wants nuclear war with Iran and an unnecessary and massive taxpayer spending on the F-22 and a missile defense shield, and with those two objectives she foresees, what? Well, I don’t know what she foresees, but it is not peace. I always love the delicious hypocrisy of a Republican decrying wasteful spending in Washington all the while demanding more and more unnecessarily wasteful military spending. Indeed, Christine gets in a few shots at the President in her crazed diatribe about wasting taxpayer money on the President’s trips abroad. Ok, so in Christine’s world, spending taxpayer money for the President to travel overseas for diplomatic summits and multinational conferences is bad, but spending taxpayer money on a war with Iran, on an absurdly wasteful military boondoggle known as the missile shield, and on unnecessary F-22 fighter planes, not to mention escalating the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, all of that spending is ok.

Let’s be honest here. Republicans are in full freak mode today over the Nobel Peace Prize because they do not like the Nobel Peace Prize. They do not like diplomacy. They do not like international cooperation. They do not like the pursuit of a real peace. They will say they want peace, but the peace they seek is a Pax Americana, where America achieves peace through the forced subjugation of the entire planet. What they like is bombs, body counts and war. For that is what brings them their peace.

Add to that the fact that Republicans really really really, and I mean really hate President Obama. He drives them bonkers, rabidly insane. So when you have President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, you have the recipe for Peak Wingnut. A perfect storm of conservative self immolation that would be hysterical if these same conservatives were not also in control of this nation’s only viable minority party.

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