Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread

I hate Mondays. I overslept this morning because I forgot to set my alarm.

I love the internet though. Parody moves at the speed of light. Remember the Conservapedia Conservative Bible Project? Well, now we have the LOLCat Bible Project. Or perhaps, the Conservative Bible Project is a parody of the LOLCat Bible Project?

Blessinz of teh Ceiling Cat be apwn yu, srsly. This is the lolcat Bible Translation Project, a project dedicated to translating the entire Bible into lolspeak. The Project started in July of 2007 and so far we have most of the Bible translated!

If you’re not familiar with LOLCats, visit the I Can Has Cheezburger? site.

Here’s on of my favorites: The Song of Solomon:

Solomones Song of Songz, kthx.
Teh Beluved:

2 Let him kiss me wit da kissus of hiz mouf i wuv hees mouf kissus–
for ur luv be moar delitefool den cheezbugrz. Srsly, Ai Pwnz!

3 Yu has a flavr I liekz;
yer name is like smellz poorded out.
Deh oter chikz luv yu too!

4 Take me wit yu plz, come on!
Letz go! the king bringme into hiz chamburz, k?
Teh Friendz:

we liekz u k? we delitez u,
we wil praiz ur luv more den cheezburgers, rly!
Teh Beluved:

Ai luv yu!

5 I am teh dark, and i be purdy.
Oh doters of Jehroosahlum,
dark liked the couches of Kedar, liek chaakalatz
like teh curtains of Solomon dat ai climez al dai.


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