Independent Is The New Republican, Or… Where Have All The Republicans Gone

Filed in National by on October 13, 2009

Over the last several weeks I have listened to an inordinate amount of Talk Radio (kitchen remodeling) and one theme kept jumping out at me.  Practically no one is calling themselves a Republican.  In fact, they’re going out of their way to make sure they’re not associated with the word, and it’s interesting how they employ the denial of that label as instant credibility.

Here’s how the callers do it.  They usually begin their comment with a version of the following disclaimer:  You should know that I’m an Independent.  Of course, the talking points following this statement would make Michael Steele proud and Rush Limbaugh tear up.

Apparently, Republicans have become Independents in name only.  Ouch, talk about the death of a brand.

But what interests me most about my shamelessly unscientific observation is its impact on polls.  Since a significant number of new Independents are really Republicans in the witness protection program, who shun the label while voting R, will the question of how Independents split their vote be skewed?  Maybe I’ll email Nate for his opinion.  Seriously, for many years elections have come down to Independents, but with this latest phenomenon can they be afforded the same weight as before?

One more question… how does the GOP restore a brand that obviously embarrasses people to be associated with?  And, let’s face it, that’s really the reason for this sudden switch to the Independent moniker – shame.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Your post makes little sense as 41% of America is conservative, 21% liberal and the rest moderate/independent. In some states a Republican is more liberal than many democrats.

    No one is ashamed to be a Republican but the GOP has can do a better job of messaging to people what the party stands for.

    We know what the Dems stand for. Huge unemployment, record deficits, Nobel Peace Prize, failed Olympic bids, a weak foreign policy and more feckless government.

    Mike Protack

  2. Geezer says:

    Mike: For the umpteenth time, those numbers you like to quote refer to self-labeling. When asked their positions on various issues, the liberal positions routinely outpoll conservative ones.

    Seriously, dude, either update your material or go away.

  3. The 30 year attempt to make the word “liberal” mean something undesirable has been pretty successful. I don’t care how many people call themselves conservative because that word has really lost its meaning. Traditional conservatives are now called RINOs and the radical right is running the Republican party.

    Yes, I think it’s very common to hear/read “I’m an independent” or “I don’t belong to either party” or my favorite “I used to be a liberal/Democrat” right before someone launches into Limbaugh talking points.

  4. Omar says:

    On that 30-year attempt….you all helped quite a bit!

  5. Why do you think Republicans now call themselves Independents? It’s because Bush/Cheney and Hastert/DeLay/Frist/McConnell did a really good job wrecking the Republican brand. It didn’t take a concerted publicity effort with hotshot branding experts to do it either.

  6. Geezer says:

    “On that 30-year attempt….you all helped quite a bit!”

    So did the stupidity and gullibility of your side. Heck, y’all can’t even see that Glenn Beck is laughing all the way to the bank.

  7. Omar says:

    “Why do you think Republicans now call themselves Independents?”

    Ummm….duh….because we’re plotting against you!!

    If we can distract the mainstream media with the Gosselins long enough, we could elect Glenn Beck in a landslide!

  8. RSmitty says:

    Wait, so the bag-of-nuts© are now calling themselves Independents? Goes to show the opportunistic lying many are willing to go through just to make a fashion statement. While I am certain there are a fair amount who changed registration, there are many who haven’t, but said they have.

    Worse yet, why must they constantly follow and harrass me wherever I go (i.e.: unaffiliated)? 😉

  9. Scott P says:

    That’s what I wonder, Smitty. How many have actually abandonded the GOP and registered as Independents, and how many just don’t want to be called Republicans right now. It’s like in the years when Dallas really sucks, and magically I see very few Cowboys jackets around. I know all those obnoxious asses haven’t stopped being Cowboy fans, they just don’t want to advertise it when their team sucks. The question is, will they (the new “Independents”) sit out until their team is good again, or will they try to make it strong again by backing Teabag-type candidates.

  10. maxfolger says:

    Ever wonder where Michael Steele gets his coaching?


  11. Conservative is more popular than Republican because the party hurt itself with its arrogance and tolerance of corruption in D. C. Those guys were purged in 2006 and now the party has to rebuild. The ideology beats the party.

  12. nemski says:

    the party hurt itself with its arrogance and tolerance of corruption in D. C. Those guys were purged in 2006 . . .

    Yeah, keep thinking that.

  13. pandora says:

    Talk about denial.

  14. nemski says:

    Pandora, I’m fine with RD thinking that. The longer he thinks that the longer it will take the GOP to make a come back.

  15. pandora says:

    Very true, Nemski. However, it does boggle the mind. Looks like they kicked Bob Dole to the curb as well.

  16. RSmitty says:

    P – Same treatment that was given to Goldwater, too, the one-time (although reluctant) standard barer to that type of Conservatism. I say reluctant not as reflective of his partisan spirit, but as having been considered the epitome of certain group-think that he, himself didn’t fully accept. Hell, in the 80’s, he even told them to stop identifying themselves as Republicans, for they were anything but. Of course, instead of accepting reality and identifying themselves with something that is better reflective of their…er…”mission”, they in turn cast him aside and continued the longest hijacking of a label in history.

  17. pandora says:

    And look what they’ve done with that label, Smitty. Truth is, Republicans/Conservatives scare people. They have zero flexibility. It’s you’re either with ’em, or against ’em. They have become a cult, actually see themselves as a religion – minus the forgiveness.

  18. Omar says:

    We like scaring you, Pandora. Since you have no fear of God, we’re the next best thing.

  19. pandora says:

    Fear of God? Yup, that about sums it up.

  20. Von Cracker says:

    There are no atheists in foxholes and other silly sayings to make the perpetually frightened feel better about themselves and such….lol

    Sane conservatives (read: not party-line voters) vote Dem now, unless they’re all about self-serving tax cuts for the above-the-fray super-wealthy…they couldn’t give a shit about any other policy.

    What this country needs is a progressive party; I’m sure it would garner just as much support as the GOP. Let the Democratic party be the party of conservatives.