Delaware Liberal

last chance for Videos or Tips

We here at Del Lib…ok me…want to see some videos ANYONE has of themselves.  I don’t even need videos.  I will take an anonymous email about how you are trying to stage your own personal Debtor’s Revolt.  I’m not going to lie and say I would love to hear from local people that are in dire straits and have had some success with a video or email similar to the crazies on youtube.  I’ve heard stories how those videos work.   Some video of you pounding your monitor and crying.  I personally, and I’m not kidding here, think it is freaking awesome that this has actually worked in the past. 

I don’t know if people realize it or not, but in Delaware, we have a few banks.  And, AND!  some of those banks recieved a few billion dollars of our bailout money.  All the way down to the Dupont family bank aka Wilmington Trust. 

Send me what you have.  Send us your lamentations.  We will post them here for all the pols of delaware to read.  The politicians will read it too. 

Hell, I would even LOVE to see an ACORN style video of a local politician trying to set up a bank that he has a mortgage or a very large loan with.  It doesn’t even have to be delinquent, but that would make it much more believable.  Wouldn’t it be sweet to learn that some local nutbag, crackerjack of a politician that we would all immediately be able to identify is in the business of trying to play a game of gotcha with a big multi billion dollar bank that recieved billions of our bail out dollars. 

I hope, just hope that someone anyone out there is willing to share their victimized story with me at donviti at yahoodotcom.  Man, I would love to hear a great story about a guy that had some success with a local bank after he made a video. 

Anyone?  N E 1?

A Frequent commenter here has to have something out there? 

I would even let you make it special guest post you could share with your family and friends. 

Well, here’s to hopin something gets sent my way….

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