Delaware Liberal

Bye LuLu

7219_1128268964686_1166046051_30348004_5608299_nA few weeks ago I asked a serious qotd.  Lulu, our adopted/rescued basset hound had recently bitten my son.  Again.  The overwhelming response was to get rid of her in some fashion or another. 

I just did today and I’m sad.  Really sad.  I’m sad because I don’t know if the people adopting her know what they are getting into and will be able to handle her.  I don’t know if I cared for her the best I should have, but will they?  It really breaks my heart and I’m overwhelmed with sadness right now.  Much more so than I ever thought I would be.  She really was as good girl.  Yes, she peed in the house more times then I can count.  She fought with Roscoe more times than I can count as well.  She was an awful companion for Roscoe and she was a liability in our home.  She would climb on the kitchen table, dig in the trash, and essentially be a dog.  Unlike Roscoe who is dumber than a box of rocks and watches Lulu do what she does with wonderment. 

But I think I loved her and I know my wife did.  I’m listening to Mad World right now and this fucking music is bumming me out.  I can’t even have a god damned drink either! 

“I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad”

Now, poor Roscoe who is so god damned clueless is walking around the house from room to fucking room.  He just put his snout on my leg and is looking like the saddest sack of potatoes one can imagine.  For all her faults Lulu was a soft snuggley dog that loved attention and demanded it and she got it too. 

I’m sorry Lulu, I really hope you are better off with your 3rd set of owners.  The house is going to be different without y0u.

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