Sean Hannity thinks George W. Bush deserves the Nobel Peace Prize
War = peace
Glenn Beck equates criticism of Fox News with the treatment of the Jewish people by Hitler. Seriously.
BECK: When they’re done with Fox, and you decide to speak out on something. The old, “first they came for the Jews, and I wasn’t Jewish.” When you have a question, and you believe that something should be asked, they’re a — totally fine with you right now; they have no problem with you.
When they’re done with Fox and talk radio, do you really think they’re going to leave you alone if you want to ask a tough question? Do you really think that a man who has never had to stand against tough questions and has as much power as he does — do you really believe after he takes out the number one news network, do you really think that this man is then not going to turn on you? That you and your little organization is going to cause him any hesitation at all not to take you out?
If you believe that, you should open up a history book, because you’ve missed the point of many brutal dictators. You missed the point on how they always start.
Do you think Glenn Beck is just testing how far he can go before people don’t believe him? I have a hard time believing that Beck believes what he is saying.
…And another Hitler comparison. Perhaps we should just go ahead and repeal Godwin’s Law.
It’s quite a classy bunch Republicans have hired to staff their House campaign committee.
Hitler hearts Pelosi? That seems to be a view the National Republican Congressional Committee [which brought you the put-Pelosi-in-her-place statement last week] seems to be endorsing, judging from what the committee posts on their Twitter account.
On Tuesday morning, as the Senate Finance Committee prepared to vote on the Baucus bill, someone at the NRCC posted a bizarre Tweet linking to an altered three-minute section of the 2004 Hitler biopic “Der Untergang” from the conservative site Moonbattery — with a voice-over of the The Fuhrer ranting about how only Nancy Pelosi shares his vision of health care reform.
In the insane video clip, Hitler is seen ranting about how Pelosi is on his side, and how much he likes “socialized medicine.” Hitler, in the video, concludes “Like Pelosi, I don’t give a s**t about the American people.”