Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Apocolypse Now

Filed in National by on October 16, 2009

Just one word — Doughnutburger. Doughnutburger with Bacon. Have mercy.


On The Other Hand!

This is road-trip worthy — the Week o’ Bacon at 3 Bar and Grill in Arlington, VA. Awesome — Bacon Crusted Mahi Mahi (wish I knew what bacon powder was) and the dessert! Bacon-stuffed waffles with maple bacon icing — yummy.

h/t and many thanks to Progressive Mom for the idea for a Delaware Liberal Bacon Road Trip! So who’s going?


About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (16)

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  1. RICO says:

    I can’t believe that you bigotted islamophobes continue to decorate your blog with unclean swine products!!!


  2. RSmitty says:

    Doughnutburger with bacon…how the EFF did I not think of that first?

  3. Me! I’m going! Bacon is diet food, right? Is this a Paula Dean thing? I know she has some recipe for a burger that has crispy creme donuts as the buns.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    I think that this Donutburger looks pretty unappetizing. But the Week o’ Bacon would be awesome. Maybe we could get Pandora to let us take over her house so we could put on a DIY Week o’ Bacon!


  5. I need a drink. Where’s the bacon vodka?

  6. Scott P says:

    My appologies if this link has come up before, but this is fabulous. I think I need the bacon air freshener. As for the bacon lube, I’m not sure it really sends quite the right message to that special lady in your life. 🙂

  7. Progressive Mom says:

    Slowing down tonight, making home-made soup, starting with….

    …pieces of bacon, fried in olive oil, of course!

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Progressive Mom!

    Invite us for dinner! I’ll bring wine….

  9. Progressive Mom says:

    Cassandra — you’re all welcome, any time…but it’s a heck of a drive from Delaware to western NY…

    BTW, on Top Chef this week, the challenge was “Pig and Pinot”: pairing pork with wine. Two chefs did pork belly, aka BACON in big pieces. Yum!

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Cassandra spends a goodly amount of time in western NY. Careful what you wish for… 🙂

  11. Paula Dean – Lady’s Brunch Burger


    * 1 1/2 pounds ground beef
    * 3 tablespoons freshly chopped parsley leaves
    * 2 tablespoons grated onion
    * House Seasoning, recipe follows
    * 2 tablespoons butter
    * 3 eggs
    * 6 slices bacon, cooked
    * 3 hamburger buns
    * 3 English muffins
    * 6 glazed donuts

  12. cassandra_m says:

    Oy vey! Bring your own stents to that brunch.

  13. Progressive Mom says:

    Hey, the kitchen’s always open to visitors here…

    …except to Paula Deen, who really, truly has no limits when it comes to fat. I can’t even read those recipes without feeling a little tightness in my chest….

  14. RSmitty says:

    Do you know why Paula Deen’s cheeks (facial, thank you) look like they are stuffed with sticks of butter? BECAUSE THEY ARE! My lovely wife (bless her well intentioned soul) thought it would be a good idea to try one of Paula’s burger recipes and surprise me. I came home from work and burgers were ready. Nice! Grabbed a Corona and then started on my burger. Chomp! In unpleasant surprise:

    Smitty: Honey, while I am deeply appreciative of what you have done, why is there an overwhelming taste of butter in this thing?
    Mrs Smitty: I saw it on Paula Deen, there is butter and other stuff in it. You noticed the butter, though?
    Smitty: Yeah, very much so, almost like movie-theater popcorn-strong butter. How much?
    Mrs. Smitty: Oh. Two sticks.
    Smitty: Say what?

    Yes, two sticks of butter in one pound of ground beef. For once in my life I said, “Thank God I already take Lipitor.” It’s a wonder Paula Deen doesn’t have butter oozing out of her pores.

  15. I heard Paula Dean interviewed on NPR and her husband is on Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or something like that.