Delaware Liberal

What I’ve learned about being a Delaware Liberal

I have learned theat both sides have hyper partisan people that are willing to attack and defend the messenger no matter who it is.   It’s all fine when it is directed at the other side, but when you start questioning, honest questioning of people that are supposed to be on your “side” people can get very uptight.  Down right angry and nasty.

What I find the most amusing is that it exists on both sides, but both sides don’t see it that way. They are too busy pointing fingers to notice the plank in their own eye.  We had it here and yesterday I was the victim of a few waves of incorrect assumptions.  What I find amazing is the willingness to go on the offense and assume that questioning what someone has done is a direct attack on their record.

I think we can tell who the Democrats are on this blog.  Me, I’m a delaware liberal.  I’m registered Independent and have been since I served my country under Clinton.  I chose that affilitation for a reason.  Because I don’t buy into either side.   I can’t remember what I voted for last November, but half a billion dollars bought me.  It bought my vote and I’m not so sure I’m getting what I wanted out of it.  Though, the people that bought my vote sure are.

Can anyone remember how frenzied we were over that Illegal war?  Anyone venture to guess how many troops we have over there?  oh, I already here the apologists on the left.  Iraq is a mess, we can’t just leave.  Or, “we are leaving and have scaled back”  Want to take a guess to what we have scaled back to?  Pre Surge numbers.  Yep, awesome huh.  Campaign promise 1, check!  Oh, those troops that we were crying are serving 4 and 5 tours in Iraq, they are being sent to Afghanistan now.  You know, Afghanistan, that place where the current election is raught with fraud.  The president’s own brother is a huge herion warlord and the Taliban is back to almost pre war numbers.  Yep, it’s ok.

I remember learning that Shakespeare would throw in sex and drunk jokes just so the lower class people would be interested in his plays.  I get the same feeling that the little shit our house and senate are doing smack of the same odious logic.  Throw the peasants crumbs and they will be happy.

We are waging 2 wars right now and there is no end in sight for either one. I have a short memory though, one of the candidates that I think got elected was hell bent on rectifying that problem.   No marching, no uproar.  Here we sit, listening to the same bullshit we listened to under bush.  This time though, O is listening and thinking.  Awesome, anyone care to guess how many more soldiers have died this week while we wait to see who the next president of Afghanistan is?

I’m just glad I’m not gay.  Not because I wouldn’t get laid mind you.  Because I could.  I wouldn’t even need a wide stance to do it.  I’d be pissed because I was told that I was going to be placed along side other citizens of this country.  Even black ones.  Can you imagine being told that the President doesn’t want to waste his political capital on you?  How about a fellow gay guy telling you that marching in Washington is a bad idea and a waste of time.  Now that is the sort of respect a block of voters that helped get the president elected deserves.    DADT could easily be reversed.  In one fell swoop he could say.  OVER and it would be.  Nahhhh, we have to think about it more. What a crock of shit.

Anyone see that the DOW is back to 10,000.  NO, you haven’t seen it all over the news. Now juxtapose that with 10% u/e (before you factor in discouraged folks and part timers)  Take a look at those bank stocks. Know where they were when O took office?  around $2.00, Now 15x’s that in some case.  SWEET!  A turn around is just days away.   Let’s not get upset or pissed when we learn Geithner has been on the horn 80 times in the past 11 months with Goldman, B of A, Chase and several other TARP recipients.

Oh but weight, Obama got the auto industry to make their cars get better fuel mileage…in 2016?  I’m so tired of this bullshit from both sides.  If they really wanted it done when it comes to ending the war(S) they could.  If they wanted to regulate the banks they could have.  If they wanted a public option they could have.  Hell Markell could do something like Mass and Maine have right?  dont’ we have a majority in both the house and the senate?

I’m sure I will be criticized for this post.  It’s hard to direct some thought inward when you are working so hard to fight off the idiots from teh other side.  but we could have had real change by now if they really wanted it.  We just don’t want to believe it. We want to bury our heads and point out how horribe the other side is.  We want to ignore the back room dealings O made with the Drug companies.  No outrage, just some lame excuse as to why it had to happen and how we have to keep our eye on the bigger goal. RIghhtttttttt?  The way I see it is as a distraction to allow more malfeasance.

Can anyone even process the fact that Sallie Mae, located right down I95 is in the business of taking gauranteed loans and selling them to students at an inflated price.  A G.AU.RAN.TEED. GOVERNMENT LOAN THAT CAN NOT GO BAD.  And here we are in congress fighting them no longer selling those loans.  Easy MONEY.  USERY ANYONE?   But we aren’t upset.  What a fucking scam.  Couldn’t that be ended?  YES.  Will it?  NO.

Can anyone process the fact that 1 year agp this globe almost fell into the abyss because the banks weren’t regulated.  Guess what has happened since then. Anyone?  NOTHING.  That’s right.  N.O.T.H.I.N.G.   Oh…wahhhh, Obama has a lot to do.  Right, I call bullshit.  Anyone see the profit Chase had earlier this week?  The bonuses being paid out?

Sure make excuses.  But we have a majority in both house and a Dem president.  I don’t want to hear anymore of this bullshit that the Dems are great b/c they aren’t the R’s.  Ohhhhhhh, they have a diverse ideology and that is what makes them great. Carper, diverse?  he’s a fucking sellout to the banks and the Zeneca…let alone DuPont.  Conservative Democrats?  Blue Dogs?  Fiscally minded dems?

We are still at war and increasing troops to a place that has no Al Qaeda.  Sound familiar?

We aren’t out of Iraq and shocking no one is paying attention to the oil field contracts anymore.

No regulation of the banks that got us into this mess

Wheels spinning on health care

No reverse of DADT

Oh and guess what, the CIA destroyed a few hundred hours of torture tapes, but we don’t want to look back

I almost forgot Charlie Rangel.  I missed the posts on here criticizing that Dem.  Although I’m told we do criticize our own over here.

I’m a Delaware Liberal, Not a democrat.  I’m an independent that doesn’t have rose colored glasses on.  I don’t see any of the major changes I voted happening.  I don’t see accountability.  I don’t see regulation.  I still see major corporations getting away with raping our country.  I don’t see the taxes raised. I still see Guantanomo opened.  I even just learned that surprisingly ATT and Verizon were helping Bush spy on it’s citizens.  Silence though.  I see no one being prosecuted for their crimes, but I elected a constitutionally astute Senator that wrote two of his own books.  I see a media that is so not liberal or conservative but profit minded I am getting angreir and angrier at my side not being able to see through this fog of bullshit.

It takes time is all I here.  But it doesn’t.  It takes will and a person that gives a shit about the people that got them elected.  I’m proud as hell that I am alive to see the first Black President.  I’m glad that it isn’t McCain and Palin. I can’t even imagine the clusterfuck our country would be in.  But, would we have been closer to really throwing out the bums out if those two idiots were in office?   My guess is the politicians know they dodged a bullet.  A 21% approval rating for the congress.  HELLO, that includes DEMS.  THEY SUCK.   But let’s give them a pass.

We are just kicking the can down the road in every direction because that is the way the corporations want it.  The politicians are letting it happen because they need tens of millions to get re elected.  Obama is letting it happen because he wants bipartisan support.  OMG!  OF course, we need to get them R’s on board.  We want THAT ideology helping us get the country on track.  We NEED them.  I can’t think of any reason why we wouldn’t need a Republican helping craft a Bipartisan bill.  Can you?  The multi billion dollar media industry that needs to make money is allowing it all to happen.  We are letting happen because we are so busy fighting the opposition, not realizing the opposition is within the Democratic party itself.  Everyone was so smart and keen when it came to Bush’s rhetoric.  Man, could we pick apart Talking Points from the opposition.

So sure, attack my questions when I say ask what has someone done. Keep ignoring the obvious and enjoying the fart jokes.  Me, I’m reading Othello and ignoring the drunk guy.

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