Hey Carper! We want a Public Option

Filed in Delaware by on October 17, 2009

Congratulations to Rebecca and Unstable Isotope for all their work with the state party. With great progressives like them involved in our party, we can hold the corporate shill Tom Carper accountable.

From the Huffington Post:

Yet another state Democratic Party has passed a resolution urging its congressional representatives in Washington to pass a public option for insurance coverage and to use “any available parliamentary means” to do so. This time the target is Sen. Tom Carper, the Delaware Democrat reportedly pushing for a compromise proposal that would allow states to set up their own public plans.

In a little-noticed move two weeks ago, the State Executive Committee of the Delaware Democratic Party unanimously passed a resolution endorsing “a robust public option similar to Medicare.” The authors of the resolution went on to call alternative proposals — including “co-ops or so-called ‘triggers'” — “inadequate in and of themselves to generate either the kind or the amount of competition needed to keep medical and insurance costs down.”

And in a clear effort to get the attention of their elected colleagues in Washington, the resolution’s authors sent a copy to “all members of Congress who represent its members,” including Democratic Senators Thomas Carper and Ted Kaufman as well as Republican Representative Mike Castle

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  1. Interesting that it gets picked up now. It made very little splash when the resolution was passed. The people that really need the thanks are the ones who helped make the resolution as tough as it was. It was rank-and-file party members that toughened the wording on the resolution.

    But you’re right DD – this is how we have an effect on politics. Just one of us is probably not enough to make a big difference (although you can have a big influence by joining your local committee) but if more and more liberals and progressives join the party it will change.

  2. My guess is Carper won’t give a damn and will count on his high-visibility-name to get him through 2012. The question is, will the Dems who passed this resolution get behind a true progressive that will hopefully challenge him?

  3. That is the issue Mike. Resolutions mean nothing if they aren’t backed by actions. I think this means a primary challenger for Carper. We’ll have to see how the party responds to serious talk of a primary challenger for Carper. The big problem I see is $$$. Raising the kind of money you would need to seriously challenge someone like Carper without the party apparatus will be very difficult.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    What am I? Chopped liver? I voted for that, too.

  5. Perry says:

    Mike, you are quite right, Senator Carper doesn’t “give a damn”!

    Joanne Cabry, Chair Progressive Democrats of Sussex County, has an opinion piece in the NJ this morning on this subject, in which she describes the meeting she and a small group had with Senator Carper, the response of his verifies Mike’s statement.

    You can read it by clicking right here.

  6. UI, I didn’t hear about it. Did you publish it here?

    There’s a Delaware Voice column today that alludes to this resolution but they went to Carper and got stone-walled.

    Despite Delawareans’ “Repeated Attempts To Get An Answer”, Tom Carper Will Not Explain His Vote To “Advantage” Insurance Companies


    (Perry linked to it first while I’ve been on the phone!)
    Good for the DEMs for putting their political capital where their mouths are.

  7. No I didn’t publish it here, but the party had a press release. I’ll see if I can find it.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Open Letter From Delaware Democrats to Senator Tom Carper:

    Senator Carper,

    You are such a worthless, greedy, good for nothing pig. We are so sick of you that we can barely come home at night. We are through. We’re tired of thinking that we must be wrong and giving you second chance after second chance for you to just sit there and contribute nothing to this relationship. 

    We used to be a great team but ever since you started hanging around with Big Pharma and Big Banking things have only gotten worse and worse. First, you stopped paying attention to us. Then, you stopped playing with the kids. Now all you ever do is check out your campaign account balance online and watch old Joe Liberman speeches on Tivo. What happened to the days when we worked side by side as a team? Don’t you miss them? Do you ever miss working on policy together? We haven’t even had common policy goals for years.

    We just feel like you’ve given up on “us.” We mean you’ve had plenty of opportunity to help out over the past few months. Yes, it would bother us if you simply did nothing, but we wouldn’t leave you over it. We’re leaving because you don’t contribute anything anymore and you actually make our life harder.

    Just like yesterday. We came home after working 12 hours on health care reform. We were exhausted. (We’re not even going to bring up the point that we wouldn’t be working 12 hours on health care reform if you did your job.) But anyway, we came home. The house was a mess. we made dinner, did two loads of laundry, did the dishes, gave the kids baths and helped them with their homework. When we finally got to sit down we fell asleep in the living room chair. THAT’S where we woke up at 3 a.m. 

    Okay, now let’s talk about your night last night. When we came home, you were texting you buddy Mike Castle and snickering. You ate your dinner in front of Fox News while we ate in the dining room. You said maybe one or two words to us the whole night and those were mostly to let me know that we were blocking your precious view of Sean Hannity. You never bothered to lift a finger. You watched us lug that heavy laundry up and down the stairs and never even got up to help. Then you went to bed and left us laying there. 

    We can’t even remember the last time you kissed us goodnight let alone the last time we made love. We just can’t live like this anymore. We deserve so much better. We deserve to be loved. The kids deserve better. They deserve a Senator who will go out and play ball with them in the yard.

    They deserve a role model. We’re sorry, Senator Carper, it’s over. 

    – Delaware Democrats

  9. anon says:

    I wish we could have posts like that, and Donviti too.

  10. DV can be a rudeass. He’s been such a dick to me that I have had a hard time bringing myself to compliment him. EVER. But I value his coming from the far left and I hope he continues to post comments freely expressing his disloyal opposition.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Geek, Yes you did and we thank you for it!

    And UI is correct, the original resolution that started out back in February didn’t even mention the public option. But when it got to the District Committees they all asked for the public option to be added, and it was. Thanks go to Kay Ryan for her beautiful prose and the Progressive Democrats for Sussex for all their work that went into the final resolution. And, when it came to the vote, the State Executive Committee was unanimous. Democrats in Sussex, Kent, City of Wilmington, and New Castle County all support the public option.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    I hope for that as well, Nancy. I really want him and Mike Matthews to start a new blog. It would be spectacular reading. Just because we could not work together anymore does not mean his voice should be silenced.

    The internet is a big place, even in Delaware, and it is big enough for all of us.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Great work Rebecca, UI and all you RD toilers. Too bad Carper only listens to his constituents in the lobbyist community.

    As for my open letter above – it was adapted from a classic of the breakup letter genre, but I think it pretty much sums up the situation.

  14. I think Matthews can’t afford to blog because of his standing as an elementary teacher in Delaware schools. It was a great loss that no one holds against him.

    But as for DLers ‘working together’, I guess that I don’t get that at all in the context of who’s the kewl enough kid and who may not be.

    The one thing I am sure of is that liberal is the theme here. Are there secret duties and vows taken, are club dues owed or some quantifiable fealty to ‘feelings’?

    If the “blog entity” is instead so ferociously tied to personality and its frailties, then the casting off of your black sheep really doesn’t say much for the strength of your ‘family” here.

    But then Jason’s digs are pretty revealing about what lines where crossed and when and that DV was probably ‘on notice’ to some degree anyway.

    Hopefully, DV will go over to post with Steve Newton when so inclined.

    I don’t think that this change is affecting readership here, FWIW. 🙂

  15. anon says:

    it was adapted from a classic of the breakup letter genre

    Jeez, how many do you have?


  16. Jason330 says:

    Like so much of life, it is all timing. Who do you marry? Well, who are you standing next to when the wedding musical chair music stops. Who are your best buds? for many of us it depends on who move into the dorm room next to you on day one of college. Those are instances of good timing.

    My returning to commenting here is bad timing because it looks funny. I came back jabbing DV because that what we do. There was no other reason and I had no idea that things between him and others here were simmering. My digs were purely petty and personal and reveal nothing other than my low character.

    FWIW, I’m back to commenting a bit because Castle entered the Senate race around the same time that I finished working on my book, “The Employee Satisfaction Revolution” (available November 1st at fine online booksellers everywhere.)

    “The Employee Satisfaction Revolution” assumes that if we are at the end of an “Information technology revolution” in productivity and “IT” has become a commodity, then only an organizations people can create durable competitive advantages.

  17. Rebecca says:

    Congratulations on finishing the book Jason. What a milestone. Whoo Hoo! Love your theory and can’t wait to read about it. From what I’ve observed when visiting your place of business, you practice what you preach.

    And, regardless of the timing, it’s good to have you commenting again.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Thanks Rebecca. Remind me to give some copies to Gemma on consignment so I can say, “Available November 1st at The 9th Street Bookshop and at fine online booksellers everywhere.”

  19. nemski says:

    Maybe we could get you to buy an ad? 😉

  20. cassandra_m says:

    I think we have a special Jason330 rate.

  21. Jason330 says:

    I already sent some artwork to Geek because I’m a full on book pimp from now until some other half-baked plan pops into my Jethro Bodine head.

  22. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Jason you say….ever since you started hanging around with Big Pharma and Big Banking things have only gotten worse………..well, just look who his buddies are in this endeaver

    New York Times reports ~
    Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) is helping to negotiate a nuclear energy amendment that could help bring aboard swing votes who support the industry. Architects and backers of the nuclear effort include Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who are seeking more federal financial backing and other support……


    He’ll be wherever the money is and the dems will just have to lump it.

  23. Jason330 says:


    Thanks for that. Just when I thought Carper could not sink any lower in my esteem.

  24. jacksmith says:

    Urgent!! Robert Reich on your healthcare http://bit.ly/SAQ7a

    Why A Strong Public Option Is Essential – By jacksmith – Working Class

    Robert Reich explains the pubic option: http://bit.ly/dDYSJ

    Hollywood Supports The Public Option 🙂 http://bit.ly/3XLwPi

    It’s not just because more than two thirds of the American people want a single payer health care system. And if they cant have a single payer system 77% of all Americans want a strong government-run public option on day one (86% of democrats, 75% of independents, and 72% republicans). Basically everyone.

    It’s not just because according to a new AARP POLL: 86 percent of seniors want universal healthcare security for All, including 93% of Democrats, 87% of Independents, and 78% of Republicans. With 79% of seniors supporting creating a new strong Government-run public option plan, available immediately. Including 89% of Democrats, 80% of Independents, and 61% of Republicans, STUNNING!!

    It’s not just because it will lower cost. Because a strong public option will dramatically lower cost for everyone. And dramatically improved the quality of care everyone receives in America and around the World. Rich, middle class, and poor a like.

    It’s not just because it will save trillions of dollars and prevent the needless deaths of millions more of YOU, caused by a rush to profit by the DISGRACEFUL, GREED DRIVEN, PRIVATE FOR PROFIT MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!

    It’s not just because every expert in every field, including economist, and Nobel laureates all agree that free market based healthcare systems don’t work. Never have and never will. The US has the only truly free market based healthcare system in the World. And as you all know now, IT IS A DISASTER!

    It’s not just because providing or denying medically necessary care for profit motivations is wrong. Because it is WRONG! It’s professionally, ethically, and morally REPUGNANT!, Animalistic, VILE and EVIL.


    The public option is ESSENTIAL because over 200 million of you are trapped in the forest of the wolves. Which is the forest of the DISGRACEFUL, GREED DRIVEN, PRIVATE FOR PROFIT MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! With no way out except through needless inhumane suffering, and DEATH. While the wolves tear at your flesh, and rip you limb from lib. Then feast on your lifeless bodies like a dead carcase for transplant parts.

    At the most vulnerable times of your lives (when you were sick and hurting), millions of you have had to fight and loose cruel, but heroic battles. Fighting against the big guns of the DISGRACEFUL, GREED DRIVEN, PRIVATE FOR PROFIT MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! in the forest of the wolves. All because you have no place else to go. You have no other CHOICE!

    But the PUBLIC OPTION will give you someplace safe to go. And it will give us someplace safe to take you. The public option will be your refugium (your refuge). Where the wolves cannot get at you when your down, hurting, and vulnerable. Where everyone who needs it can find rest, security, comfort and the care they need. Protected by the BIG GUNS of We The People Of The United States. THE MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE AND COUNTRY ON EARTH.

    This is why it is so critical that we do not lead another 50 million vulnerable, uninsured Americans into the forest of the wolves, without the protections of a Strong Government-run MEDICARE like public option. We The People Of The United States MUST NOT LET THAT HAPPEN to any more of our fellow Americans. If healthcare reform does not contain a strong MEDICARE like public option on day one. YOU MUST! KILL IT. Or you will do far more harm than good. And millions more will die needlessly. Rich, middle class, and poor a like.

    To those who would continue to obstruct good and true healthcare reform for the American people, and who seek to trap millions more vulnerable Americans in the forest of the wolves. We will continue to fight you. We are prepared to wage all out war against you, and will eagerly DESTROY! you. Time…is…UP! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! No Co-op’s! No Triggers! NO INDIVIDUAL MANDATES! without a Strong MEDICARE like public option on day one.

    Healthcare reform can be the GREATEST! Accomplishment of our time and century. A time when future generations may say of us, that we were all, AMERICAS GREATEST GENERATIONS.


    I therefore call on all my fellow Americans and the peoples of the World. To join us in this fight so that we may finish becoming the better America that we aspire to be for everyone.


    I have been privileged to be witness as many of you fought, and struggled to take your first breath, and your last breath on this earth. Rich, middle class, and poor a like. Life is precious.

    Whatever the cost. WE! MUST SUCCEED.

    God Bless You My Fellow Human Beings

    jacksmith – Working Class

    ATTENTION!! Congress Has The Votes Needed To Pass A Public Option – TODAY http://bit.ly/TCq7O

    Things You Can Do To Help NOW! http://www.everydaycitizen.com/2009/09/tired_of_watching_people_die_n.html

    A majority of voters would rather have a Democrats only bill with a Public Option. Than a bipartisan bill without a Public Option.

    A state based insurance plan is NOT!! a Public Option. Nor is it a Strong, National, Medicare like Public Option.

    No Triggers! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jason-rosenbaum/a-trigger-for-the-public_b_277910.html

    Triggers http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-sirota/weve-seen-these-triggers_b_283583.html

    Krugman on heathcare (http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/25/why-markets-cant-cure-healthcare/)

    Senator Bernie Sanders on healthcare (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSM8t_cLZgk&feature=player_embedded)

    John Garamendi on the Public Option and the Grassroots: http://bit.ly/TJMty

    Howard Dean on the Public Option http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SKfW2dUnow&feature=player_embedded

    We’re Number 37! in quality of health care http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4&feature=player_embedded

    Twitter search (#welovethenhs #NHS #hc09 #hcr #healthcar #obama #p2 #topprog #) Check it out.