Delaware Liberal

Presidential Derangement Syndrome

Remember Bush Derangement Syndrome? Paul Krugman describes the symptoms:

The symptoms of Bush Derangement Syndrome, in its fullest version, are that you believed

1. That the Bush tax cuts were sold on false pretenses, and were fiscally irresponsible

2. That the Iraq war was sold on false pretenses, and that invading Iraq was a mistake

3. That for all his posturing, Bush was actually doing a bad job of fighting Al Qaeda

4. That the use of torture was ineffective as well as immoral, and was hurting America

5. That the economic expansion of the middle Bush years, such as it was, was driven by an unsustainable housing bubble

6. That the Bush administration was distorting science to avoid taking action on climate change

Crazy stuff, with one common theme: it was all true.

Yeah, those people were crazy. 🙄 These people should definitely not be listened to.

So, what is Obama Derangement Syndrome? I’ll let David Anderson explain it to you:

We are losing our country to a socialist progressive cabal which can not be allowed to succeed.

As for your race contention, did you not notice the same problems with Hillary Clinton and Al Gore was proclaimed by the same group of people. Bill Clinton was despised in part because of his dedication to undermining American sovereignty. UN treaties, biodiversity, GATT, NAFTA, and Kyoto were taking us down the road to globalism. Now we have an administration determined to socialize the economy, undermine our founding culture by establishing a post Christian nation, and put us under global regimes by undermining the dollar and surrendering our nukes to the UN in some world without nuclear weapons scheme. It is a nightmare like we have never seen.

They believe that Obama is involved in some kind of secret plot to destroy America. Oh, and he might not even be American. He has secret superpowers that allows him to hypnotize people into helping him with his secret plans for dictatorship or something. Those people who think that perhaps Republicans just lost an election and should get over it just don’t understand the genius of Glenn Beck.

Just to remind you, here’s a handy cartoon to explain what birthers believe:

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