Redo in Afghanistan

Filed in International by on October 20, 2009

President Hamid Karzai has relented to international and internal pressure agreeing to a runoff election scheduled for Nov. 7th of this year. Whether the runoff election will be held in two weeks is still up to much speculation as there is widespread concern that the election commission can setup up a national election in 14 days, the fact that many polling places did not have monitors from candidates or the international community, and, well, security. It is most likely that the election will be postponed till after the snows and that some sort of interim government with opposition candidate Abdullah Abdullah will be put into place.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. This is good news. I really don’t see how the U.S. could give any aid to an illegitimate government. I hope we can get their government running and get out, ASAP.

  2. lizard says:

    looks like Carville has exported the Dem play book… keep counting until your guy wins.

  3. nemski says:

    ^ What the hell does that mean?

  4. lizard says:

    top challenger Abdullah Abdullah is a client of James Carville (although it is unclear who is paying the tab.

    just another tool in the foriegn policy quiver.

  5. nemski says:

    lizard, i don’t understand, are you saying that there was no fraud in the election? that karzai won the election lawfully? are you saying carville fabricated fraud?

  6. lizard says:

    no, can’t tell, yes.

  7. nemski says:

    Thanks for your honesty, just checking how silly you’re being. 😉