Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread

Are you ready for Monday? Are you ready for Thursday’s Drinking Liberally at the Homegrown Cafe?

Let’s talk about Faux News, since they can’t seem to stop talking about themselves. Faux deployed the blondes to whine about Faux News victimhood. There was the inexplicably popular Laura Ingraham on ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopolous:

Ingraham argued that “a lot of people are saying” that the Obama administration is more “impassioned about” Fox News than “other threats to the United States, whether economic threats or real threats, Islamic jihadists.”

Ingraham didn’t say who these “people” are who are “saying” this, but apparently, there are “a lot” of them. (When right-wing media personalities appear on mainstream outlets, they do this quite a bit — they don’t want to say crazy things on their own behalf, so they attribute nonsensical ideas to vague and undefined groups of “a lot of people,” who do not appear to exist in reality.)

Even Stephanopoulos seemed incredulous about the observation, saying, “You don’t believe that they’ve been softer on Islamic jihadists than they have on Fox News. Come on.” Ingraham, dropping the pretense of passing along the thoughts of “a lot of people,” insisted she hasn’t seen White House officials “talk about other real threats in the same coordinated and sophisticated way as they’re going after” Fox News.

John Podesta responded that Ingraham might be right “when the drones start flying over Fox News.”

Dana Perino and Chris Wallace had a wankfest on Fox News Sunday:

Former Bush press secretary Dana Perino sharply criticized the Obama administration’s tactics and expressed absolute shock at the example the United States was setting for “the free press in emerging democracies,” comparing the criticisms of Fox News to when “Hugo Chavez shuts down television stations”:

PERINO: That was a coordinated, calculated attack. It was unbecoming. And if you look at some of the coverage of what mainstream media covers when, for example, somebody like a Hugo Chavez shuts down television stations, he calls them illegitimate.

Now, I’m not suggesting that this White House believes that they are going to come over here and shut down Fox News. But they are defining a narrative in their first year, and it’s going to be very hard to recover from it. […]

Through our State Department, we are trying to help emerging democracies get journalists and government officials to talk to one another, because freedom of the press is essential to any democracy. Believe me, they are watching this, and they have — surely are raising questions.

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