Newt’s Ego 3x Larger Than His Heart

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009

Newt Gingrich said on C-SPAN that he and his wife will decide by February 2011 on whether or not he will run for President reports Political Wire.

Callista and I are going to think about this in February 2011. And we are going to reach out to all of our friends around the country. And we’ll decide, if there’s a requirement as citizens that we run, I suspect we probably will. And if there’s not a requirement, if other people have filled the vaccum, I suspect we won’t.

Let me help you out here, Newt, it’s only a requirement in your own mind.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. By February 2011 no one will care if Newt runs or not. He risks being labelled a ‘RINO’ for his support of Scozzafava in NY-23.

  2. Geezer says:

    If I were Callista I’d tell him I had cancer, just to see how long it takes him to pack his bags.

  3. Perhaps he should run, Obama is not doing much.

    So far this year 26 fundraisers to Bush’s six in the first year and now:

    KNOLLER NUGGET, from Mark Knoller of CBS News: The president’s golf game yesterday brought him even with President George W. Bush in playing 24 rounds in office. It took Bush 2 year and 9 months, but took Obama less than a year. Obama’s most frequent course for golf is Fort Belvoir. He’s played there 11 times. The course at Andrews Air Force Base is in second place, hosting seven of Obama’s golf games.
    Mike Protack

  4. cassandra_m says:

    This is off-topic, Mr. Shallow Bench. Keep your responses on topic or be gone.

  5. anon says:

    Callista and I are going to think about this in February 2011.

    That is, assuming he is still married to his third wife in February 2011.

  6. Gingrich would be amazing. He is one of the few leaders who understands our problems and better yet he has worked on real solutions. That has to disqualify him in your world.

  7. rhubard says:

    “he has worked on real solutions”

    Hasn’t achieved any though.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Newtie keeps dangling this run for President around as a way to keep up the fundraising. Consider this the non-porn fundraising track.

  9. Gingrich has found solutions for finding new wives.

  10. Progressive Mom says:

    I’m not sure Newt is conservative enough for the new Republican party. He’s got all those marriages, he sometimes makes sense, and he hasn’t run around the country condemning Obama’s every waking moment and asking for a birth certificate.

    Candidates like cut-and-run Sarah, Huckabee or Duncan (who has made those presidentially mewing noises)are more likely to be seen as real Republicans.

    1994 was a long time, and a wife or two, ago.

  11. Progressive Mom says:

    Yea, UI, I think it’s a stretch but some ultra-rights that I know are beginning to pay attention to him.

    I think it’s any port in a storm syndrome, but look at how Palin took off.

    Personally, he reminds me of Fred Thompson. ‘Member him? Yikes!

  12. nemski says:

    Progressive Mom wrote it’s any port in a storm syndrome

    Funny, that’s how Newt met his last wife. :rimshot :

  13. Scott P says:

    I personally find it hard to believe that he would leave the unaccountability of punditry (which, btw, sounds like a great book title). Right now, he can just flit around complaining about anything he wants, floating out any crazy ideas he wants, without having to worry about actually doing anything. Frankly, it seems like the ideal position for a Republican today. However, he’ll drag this out to keep himself in the spotlight as long as possible.

  14. I think Cassandra has it exactly right – you can probably raise a lot more money for yourself if you’re considered a potential presidential candidate than if you’re just a washed-up politician who’s been out of power for more than a decade.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    It’s a Twitter Re-enactment. Which is even stranger than the real deal, but doesn’t surprise me for Newtie. The question is: Is Newt actually dressed up as George Washington while he is doing his Twitter Re-enactment?

  16. Scott P says:

    Do you want to be the one to ask, “Newt, what are you wearing?”? I’ll be concerned when he starts showing up to fundraisers in a beard and a stovepipe hat.

  17. wikwox says:

    Newts ego is gigantic,as is his competitions.Should be quit a freak show. Hopefully the multi-headed conservative monster will exhaust itself and it’s money before the actual election. However the “real” contender” has yet to emerge, the Newt-Palins, the Polenta-Huckers, the man who’s very name is Mitt are the side show, not the center ring.