A Quip Too Far?

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009

Delaware Liberal favorite Rep. Alan Grayson might have gone a bit too far when talking about Linda Robertson, who is a lobbyist working for the Fed. Politico’s Glenn Thrush reports that the GOP has dug up a tape of Grayson saying of Robertson, “And she’s, this lobbyist, this K street whore is trying to teach me about economics.” Oh yeah, Robertson was the lead lobbyist who wrote the infamous Enron loophole. To paraphrase Chris Rock, “I don’t think he should have said that, but I understand.”

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Geezer says:

    If he had called a male lobbyist a whore, nobody would be fazed. It’s not like he called her a c*** or anything.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    a whore is not necessarily a harlot, but a harlot is a whore.

  3. anon says:

    Mental note: Always say “corporate whore,” never say “whore” by itself in the context of politics.

  4. Steve Newton says:

    Is anybody else getting tired of the fact that on all sides any slip of the tongue (which usually means saying what you really think) is fodder for “gotcha”?

  5. I agree Steve. I think this relentless search for “gaffes” is going to make politicians even more phony than they already are.

  6. anon says:

    If Grayson is as smart as I think he is, he will immediately apologize for saying “whore” instead of “corporate whore.” Let FOX play that 24×7.

    Steny Hoyer is now on record defending Linda Robertson (the corporate whore). Grayson must be onto something here.

    Nonetheless, Grayson always did seem ripe for a flameout.

  7. Progressive Mom says:

    I agree with Steve, too … but the outcome is that no one remembers these “gaffes” 48 hours later. When the press covers all insensitive remarks or misspeaks at the same volume, the impact dissipates.

    After all, it took the Republican National Committee more than 4 days to take down a posting on their website that said “Miscegenation is a crime” and showed the president of the United States eating a rib. And the posting seems to not have created even a ripple in the MSM.

    Whore probably will get more play; more Americans know what it means.

  8. Miscreant says:

    “…one fry short… ”

    Indeed, Grayson seems to be enjoying his 16th minute of fame.


  9. Steve Newton says:

    Were there two different pics of Obama under miscegenation? The one I saw had him eating chicken. Oh well.

  10. nemski says:

    First Draft as a great response to this whore thing. It involves wankers and another whore.

  11. anon says:

    Grayson and Weiner need to have a McDonald’s Summit.

  12. nemski says:

    Grayson apologies.

    “I offer my sincere apology,” Grayson said in a statement, hours after his spokesman defended his comments. “I did not intend to use a term that is often, and correctly, seen as disrespectful of women.”