Another Poll from The Fix

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009

As we all know, Gov. Jack Markell won the Fix’s Most Underrated Governor poll last week. This week, The Fix is asking who the nation’s most overrated governor is. The choices are Ed Rendell (D-Pa.), Charlie Crist (R-Fla.), Mitch Daniels (R-Ind.), Martin O’Malley (D-Md.), Rick Perry (R-Texas) and Brian Schweitzer (D-Mont.).

I’ve already put in my vote for Perry, how about you?

Remember vote early and vote often.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Oh, it’s so hard! I kinda think it’s Rendell.

  2. Crist is winning with 42%, followed by Perry with 37%. Rendell is a distant third at 12%.

  3. pandora says:

    Count another vote for Perry!

  4. I agree with U. I. Perry actually kept his state’s economy on solid footing for all his shooting off at the mouth. Schweitzer is a fine governor who deserves every bit of praise he is getting. Daniels has surpluses and is building a fine infrastructure to help the state emerge stronger on the otherside of the recession. He is one of the best governors in America. Crist did a great job building on Bush’s work. He is a bit overrated, but certainly is a smart guy. O’Malley is not that loved in the first place so I don’t see him as over rated.

    Rendell is treated like some sort of hero, but he singlehandedly destroyed any ability for a working government in PA.

  5. anon2 says:

    Well, since Perry has requested and received more federal aid than any other state during his tenure (4 of the top 5 are states with republican governors who just can’t make ends meet and always have their hands out seeking money from the federal government) it has to be Perry.

  6. nemski says:

    LOL, after Republican David agrees with Unstable Isotope that Rendell over overrated, UI writes, Perry is awful.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    David is over here breaking Commandments again.

  8. Perry is awful, I’m just not sure he’s overrated. I don’t think he’s rated all that highly, otherwise why would he be in a contentious primary?

    Rendell on the other hand is taken as a wise leader but I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the presidential primaries.

  9. Mitch Daniels is the best Governor in the USA.

    Mike Protack

  10. nemski says:

    Sorry Mitch Daniels.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    So am I the only one who can tell these guys got their marching orders to vote for Daniels today? They even come complete with a faulty narrative.

  12. Huh, Daniels is in last place, which is good I think.

  13. Well, the trick is in deciding what ‘overrated’ means. Who, for example, rates Rick Perry highly?

    But Rendell’s been skating ever since someone (was it Sal Palontonio?) dubbed him ‘America’s Mayor’.

    He was a disaster as the chair of the National Democratic Party and has done nothing of note as Governor. He is amoral, a corporate whore and, even by political standards, utterly full of shit. Oh, and he’s literally trying to sell Delaware and NJ down the river.

  14. G Rex says:

    John Kasich. What, too soon? Rendell’s most overrated in any case.

  15. I long ago committed to vote for Kay Bailey Hutchison in the primary.

  16. Jason330 says:

    Kay Bailey Hutchison has had four abortions. Two of them in 1974.

  17. On the other hand, it is clear that your mother had one abortion too few.

    I’m sure that your disgusting comments tonight would make her wish she could have one post-natally.

  18. Jason330 says:

    It is called “journalism”. Also know as “reporting” and “making shit up.” My GOP style journalism is fair and balanced and you are naturally upset to be exposed to what I have deemed to be the truth. You’ll hust have to wrestle with your feelings of impotence and fear on your own time while I continue to report the facts.

  19. Charlie Crist's Mommy says:

    Crist was smoking Gov Perry in this poll, but suddenly, overnight, Perry is coming out on top in a big way.

    How do you think that happened??? Hmmm…

    I wonder if Crist’s campaign staffers got an email telling them to get into the survey and vote for Rick Perry, just so Charlie wouldn’t lose another poll.

    I’d bet my life savings that’s what happened….

  20. Ross says:

    No Bobby Jindal?