Delaware Liberal

Red States, Blue States – Who Gets The Green

Take a look at the chart below.  The Commonwealth Fund has released its 2009 state health care scorecard.

Notice anything interesting.  A whole lot of Red States (you know, the ones threatening to opt out of the Public Option) don’t score so well on health care.

Since I’m in a charty mood, let’s look at another one…

Hmm… more interesting figures.  Perhaps we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the secessionist talk since it appears that Red States need Blue States more than Blue States need them.  And I can’t help but think, if this data were reversed, how quickly Republicans/Conservatives would label Blue States Welfare States.

Crooks and Liars breaks it all done.  (Go on, you lazy clickers!  Clink on the link and read the whole thing.)

My favorite line, and one worth considering, given all the chest-thumping when it comes to opting out of the Public Option, is this…

Will they put blue state money where their red state mouths are?

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