What’s a liberal to do except watch as Republicans eat their own. And I’m not even getting into the NY-23 race.
First we have Dobbs vs Rivera.
Rivera accuses Dobbs of “almost single-handedly responsible for creating, for being the architect of the young-Latino-as-scapegoat for everything that ails this country.”
And now Dobbs fires back:
DOBBS: I’m just still fuming over something that Geraldo Rivera said. I shouldn’t let — This guy is nothing but a fiction of his own imagination and a figment of whatever he sees in the mirror. But, I gotta tell you — the guy is so annoying. I should not let people get to me like this, but you know what? I’m starting to get short of patience with them. […]
Geraldo Rivera wouldn’t know a fact if it hit him in the rear end — and that would probably be an appropriate place if you wanted him to absorb the information. … This is the kind of vile stupidity and ignorance that he spews everywhere he goes.
Pass the popcorn, I have nothing to do but sit back and enjoy the fight. Also, might I point out, I agree with both men’s statements. Victim runs deep.
And speaking of victims…
South Florida Republicans held a weekly meeting at a gun range, shooting at targets including cut-outs of a Muslim holding a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
The GOP candidate to replace U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz fired at a full-body silhouette with “DWS” written next to its head. […]
Robert Lowry, who’s vying for Wasserman Schultz’s seat, initially described his target as a joke. Minutes later, he called it a mistake.
Others refused to apologized [sic] for the Southeast Broward Republican Club event, featuring assault rifles and handguns. A conservative activist said they should stand up for their beliefs in the heavily Democratic county.
Before I go on, could someone explain to me how shooting at a target identified as your political opponent equates to standing up for your beliefs? And isn’t it this mentality that makes sane people uneasy with the sudden trend of bringing guns to Health Care rallies? Hey, I’m just connecting the dots. And while the words and actions are the protected, the message is clear. Democrats and Muslims are fair game, and pretending to shoot them is simply standing up for your beliefs.
But the story gets better.
Republican activist Ed Napolitano, who runs the club where the target practice occurred is now claiming he was “pushed out” of all his party positions.
While he’s stepping away from the party, Napolitano said today he’s not ending his political activism. “I’m not going to be going away. You’re still going to see me around.”
He expressed frustration with Republican Party leadership, which he said doesn’t stand by and defend volunteer Republican activists – like himself – when they’re attacked.
“The leadership in the Republican Party is lacking in courage, and they do not stand by their people,” Napolitano said. “We’re volunteers. We volunteer our time and we volunteer our money. They’re there to facilitate us. We’re not there to facilitate them. They act like we’re their servants.”
Forget about the stalker-esque comment for a minute, and focus on yet another split. This guy isn’t angry with an individual, he’s furious with the entire party.
Which begs the question… can the GOP rein in their base without losing them? I’m thinking, no. I’m also thinking that their 20% ranking might not look so bad in a few months when they hit 15%.
Another fissure is Jane Hall citing Glenn Beck as one of the reasons she left FOX. True to form, Beck ups the crazy language:
BECK: Well, don’t let the door hit you on the ass when you leave. I’m going to miss you, I am, whatever your name is. My language is scary! Since when did language become scary? Boy, I put a lot of that language in books. Maybe we should gather all those books together and burn them as well. Because there is language in there. I wouldn’t want to scare anyone. Read our Founding Fathers. You want scary language, read the Founding Fathers. We haven’t even gotten to the scary language yet.
Can you imagine any of these people living next door to you?