Delaware Liberal

Silly Democrats, Tricks Are For GOPers

In Connecticut where it is more rare to meet a Republican than in Delaware, the CT GOP is up to their Lee Atwater in dirty tricks, reports the Hartford Advocate. The Democrats lead the Republicans in the state House, 114-27, and the state Senate, 24-12, thought it would be a good idea to create Twitter accounts in the names of 33 state Democratic elected officials. Twitter shut down the accounts after being notified of the impersonations.

The Connecticut GOP State Chair said, “I’m not quite sure what the issue is, other than that the Democrats were successful in stopping free speech.”

A Twitter spokesperson — yes, that is an actual job, maybe — said, “A person may not impersonate others through the Twitter service in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse or deceive others. … Impersonation is against our terms unless it is a parody. The standard for defining parody is, ‘Would a reasonable person be aware that it’s a joke?’ ”

h/t Wonkette

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