Delaware Liberal

Palin Doesn’t Come Cheap

Sarah Palin is “charging” the conservative Iowa Family Policy Center 100,000.00 to speak at their dinner next month.  Hey, great work if you can get it.  But why would she want to?  We are talking about Iowa – the state political careers go to soar or dive.  Also, not exactly the most neighborly move for someone with political ambitions.  And yes, I’m leaning towards her running for President.  Especially since all those wishy-washy Republicans (except Newt) followed her lead in the NY-23.  It doesn’t even matter if Hoffman wins.  She set the trend, and the wimps followed.

That said, other Iowan Conservatives aren’t thrilled with the price tag.  (Maybe they’re just jealous.)

– “If somebody tells me they want me to pay an appearance fee, it tells me they’re not very serious about running for president,” said Ed Failor, Jr., president of Iowans for Tax Relief and an influential GOP insider.

– Steve Scheffler, the president of the Iowa Christian Alliance and a longtime GOP activist, said his organization would also never ante up. “We certainly wouldn’t do it, even if we had the money.

– Tim Albrecht, spokesman for the conservative, Iowa-based American Future Fund, said his group “has a policy not to pay speakers to come to Iowa,” and, like Failor, hinted at what those guests get in return. “We are proud to host conservative leaders from across the country, providing them an audience across the state and nation to share their conservative vision,” Albrecht said.

“The Iowa Family Policy Center insists that the $100,000 isn’t for a speaking fee, but “only to secure a venue, pay for lighting and promote the event.” Palin has not given any indication that she’ll attend anyway.”

That’s a hell of a lot of venue, lighting and promotion.  Love the last line, btw.  It’s soooo Sarah.

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