Delaware Liberal

Stimulus Added 1,000+ Jobs to DE Economy

One of the robotic spam attacks of the Rethuglican drones David Anderson and Mike Protack is that the ARRA (the stimulus bill) failed completely in all aspects, and in fact the spending hurt the economy. Like all things said by Republicans, it was false. Not only did the stimulus help grow our economy by 2-3% percent, which resulted in a 3.5% third quarter growth of our national economy, thus ending the recession officially for the time being, but it also brought jobs to Delaware.

The federal stimulus program has created or retained between 1,055 and 3,065 jobs in Delaware, according to a report being released today by Lt. Gov. Matt Denn. As many as 50 percent more jobs have been created through tax breaks and income subsidies included in the stimulus, known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Congress passed the $787 billion act in February in an effort to bring the nation out of one of the worst economic recessions in decades.

The ARRA requires that every state report by Friday on the impact of the stimulus on jobs, state budgets and the state economy. Denn is just ahead of the game by one day. The ARRA also requires disclosure of data on over 131,000 federal contracts, grants and loans provided by the stimulus through the end of the 3rd quarter. That will be interesting reading next week.

So how interesting is that? An activist government that has helped save us from Depression and collapse all the while being transparent at the same time.

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