Delaware Liberal

I Blame The RINOs

For months I’ve been asking myself,  how did the Republican Party devolve into madness?  It seems to have happened overnight – most notably election night last November – but I know that isn’t true.  I know the current state took years to come to fruition.  I also know the insanity was wooed with skill of a lover.  A lover, who now finds themselves in the  Michael Douglas Fatal Attraction role – With no one to blame but themselves.

RINOs (a term created by real Conservatives) invited the fringe into the party because they needed their votes.  They also relied on the fringe’s single issue mentality, and, quite honestly, thought they were not too bright and, therefore, easily controlled.  So they tossed them the “I’m pro-life” bone, patted them on the head and sent them into the voting booth.   RINOs viewed their wingnuts as good little soldiers – who followed orders.

The order following stopped when Obama beat McCain.  And, strangely enough, I think the political coup within the Republican Party didn’t have much to do with Obama.  He was just the symbol they pointed to.  McCain was the problem, and to this day Conservatives believe the election would have turned out differently had Palin been at the top of the ticket.

Palin was the game changer, and the RINOs fatal mistake.  And you’d think a party so obsessed with the evils of appeasement would have known better than to appease its fringe.  It’s worth noting that moderate Republicans (those that are left) are still appeasing.  Which isn’t helping since Conservatives are getting crazier by the day.

But I am ready to declare victory for the Conservatives.  They have taken over the party – what’s left of it.   A classic example of their victory can be seen over at Delaware Politics.  Dave Burris, Smitty, and Maria are gone – people I didn’t agree with, but respected.  David “everyone who disagrees with me is a commie lib” Anderson is in charge, and he’s just brought the intellectual prowess of Frank “I don’t believe in global warming because I had to wear a sweater today” Knotts back on board.  Ooh, and Frank’s first post is a call to join his new group RACE (Republicans Against Castle’s Election).

And while we all have been guilty of ramping up rhetoric, the path DP is traveling takes it to a new level.  Steve Newton (Delaware Libertarian) has a post up concerning David Anderson that’s worth a read.  Meanwhile, the comments here at DL are pretty disturbing.

Let me put it clearly. Liberals are harming America. I love America. Ergo, I must stop liberals. Not aid them in a misguided effort. Not invite them to my political party. When they repent of their misguided ways, they are more than welcome. Liberals are not my enemy. Liberalism is.

Repent?  Sounds more like a preacher than a political blogger.  But, I guess that should be expected since Conservatism has way more in common with religion than politics.  Nice little cult you have there.

So, yeah, I blame the RINOs in the same way I blame the parents of children misbehaving in a restaurant.  You guys were supposed to be the adults, not create a Lord Of The Flies scenario.

And when, and if, Conservatives get a few winning elections under their belt, expect the rhetoric to shoot off the charts.  I know, hard to imagine.  My only hope is that going crazier (again, hard to imagine) will lead to their downfall – since there are no grown-ups left to put them in a time-out.

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