The GOP purity purge is accelerating, despite their loss of NY-23. It’s no wonder the teabaggers feel empowered – they were being interviewed all over the media yesterday. They see the loss of NY-23 as a big win for their movement – the movement to make a smaller, purer GOP. The purgers scored another big victory – they’ve convinced the NRSC not to interfere in primaries. So watch out Charlie Crist:
National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (R-Tex.) says he won’t channel cash into any primary pitting Republican vs. Republican — including the heated Florida Senate primary between Marco Rubio and Gov. Charlie Crist.
“As far as what’s happening in specifically Florida — we made a decision to endorse Gov. Crist at his request. But we’e really not involved in the primary,” Cornyn told Manu. “That’s up to the voters in Florida.”
When he asked Cornyn, “But you are at least raising and spending money for Crist?” Cornyn shot back —
“No, we won’t be doing any of that until after the nomination. Our job is to elect Republicans so voters in Florida will have a chance to sort that out.”
This is big news. Crist was personally recruited by the NRSC to run for the Florida senate seat and was endorsed by the NRSC. Is he now un-endorsed? Can Crist survive a Republican primary against teabagger favorite Marco Rubio? You know who else fits the Crist/Rubio race profile – Castle/O’Donnell. Will teabaggers turn their sights to Delaware?
Here is the top target list, according to Jim DeMint who has a “Conservative Senate Fund” (he’s trying to position himself as a leader of the tea partiers):
Arkansas – no announced Republicans yet
California – Chuck DeVore over Carly Fiorina
Colorado – Jane Norton vs. Ken Buck (sounds like no decision yet on this race)
Florida – Marco Rubio (their darling) over Charlie Crist
Kentucky – probably Rand Paul (Ron Paul’s son) over Trey Grayson
Nevada – no announced Republicans yet
Pennsylvania – they love Toomey
Texas – no announced candidates yet
Former moderate Mark Kirk, who is running for Obama’s old senate seat in Illinois is obviously spooked. He’s been begging for Palin’s endorsement:
Illinois Rep. Mark Kirk penned a memo to Republican poobah Fred Malek hoping to secure an endorsement from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for his Senate candidacy, according to a copy of the memo obtained by the Fix.
After noting that Palin will be in Chicago later this month to appear on “Oprah”, Kirk writes that “the Chicago media will focus on one key issue: Does Gov[ernor] Palin oppose Congressman Mark Kirk’s bid to take the Obama Senate seat for the Republicans?”
Kirk goes on to write that he is hoping for something “quick and decisive” from Palin about the race, perhaps to the effect of: “Voters in Illinois have a key opportunity to take Barack Obama’s Senate seat. Congressman Kirk is the lead candidate to do that.”
edited at 8:30 am