Delaware Liberal

An EPIC Around the Horn Friday: The Returns

Our beloved Philadelphia Phillies’ season is over after Wedneday’s tortuous loss to the hated evil Republican New York Yankees (although they do say the Yankees always win championships with a Democrat is in the White House, and from reviewing the last 40 years, that seems to be true). That allows me to finally get back to my duties here at DL, and I notice that we haven’t done an Around the Horn for some time, and that is my fault. It is not as if I took a break from posting so that I could watch the World Series, but that is just how it worked out. You are busy all day with no time to post at DL, and you go home just in time to watch the games (or go to the games, like I did Saturday and Sunday), and that leaves me with a choice between DL and sleep. And I like my dreams.

National politics consumed us over the last two weeks in the lead up to the off year elections last Tuesday in New Jersey, Virginia, the CA-10 and the NY-23 Congressional races. As I mentioned elsewhere in the comments, in the only two elections that actually were about national politics and President Obama’s agenda, the Democrats won. So that would seem to put an end to any conventional wisdom that these elections were a rebuke to the President, but our supposed liberal media, fed by Faux News and Drudge, of course tells us otherwise. It is no surprise that the GOP is gloating about their wins in Virginia and New Jersey, for that is what partisans do. When they win, they celebrate and spin. When they lose, they make excuses and spin. When I was in their shoes in 2001, I proclaimed Dem victories in Virginia and New Jersey to be the harbinger of a landslide defeat for Bush in the 2002 Midterms. Of course, I did not have a billion dollar propaganda megaphone masquerading as an impartial news outlet amplifying my spin, like the GOP has.

Locally this week, Dave Burris returned to the horror of all, and now we have the battle of the Davids for the soul of the Republican Party locally. We also the return of the evil vile right wing terrorist Frank Knotts, and the rise of Donviti. Oh yes, and the Big Dog is coming to town soon. Hide the women.

There are a number of great local Delaware blogs that cover personal stories and national politics, but some times they do not cover local Delaware politics during a particular week or weeks, which of course is the criteria for being covered in ATH. But I still want you to visit them, so here are their links:

Progressive Delmarva
The Palmer Lyceum
On Transmigration
Delaware Business Blog
Lower Slower Delaware

Redwaterlily’s Ramblings
Lily’s reaction to Fisker taking over the Boxwood plant. Other than the renovations of the plant for Fisker, she is skeptical of the economic impact long-term.
Happy Birthday to Lily!
Her reaction to the Diocese of Wilmington well timed bankruptcy.
On the other hand, Lily loves her Church’s advertisements.
Outrage over resident abuse at the Delaware Veteran’s Home in Milford.

Mike Musings
Delaware Elections Commissioner, Elaine Manlove, was featured on NPR’s All Things Considered concerning Delaware’s innovative motor voter law.
I encourage you to read Mike’s other posts on his photography in Lewes and Dover, his new growing cat, and his adventures in Foss Dining Hall.

Delmar Dustpan
Terrorism in Delmar. Not sure I would use the word Terrorism, but….

By the Numbers
Will Republicans make gains in the Delaware House of Representives in 2010 because of national political trends? They might. John finds it humorous that the Delaware Democrats hold a Jefferson Jackson Dinner, in light of the fact that Delaware has never offered a single electoral vote to either of the former Democratic Presidents.

Mourning Constitution
Brian has some very interesting thoughts on small grassroots organizations, like the SCCOR, being used and abused by larger Astroturf groups and the big establishment political parties themselves. Of course, his apathy at the relevance of our Constitution is wrong, but I will delve into that this weekend.
How the Battle of the Two Daves in Delaware is the perfect microcosm of the battle for the soul of the GOP.
Brian on his own battles of late, and how they have changed his life. I had no idea you were going through that, Brian. My best wishes.
Brian, as a Libertarian, as some ideas on cutting the projected 2010 Budget shortfall.
Brian gets some blowback from being critical of Republican Sam Wilson in Sussex County.

Kavips welcomes former President William Jefferson Clinton to Delaware for the Democrat’s Jefferson Jackson Dinner.
Kavips reviews the Carney-Delawind loan non-scandal that the GOP tried to gin up last week.
Delaware last week was on the cutting edge of energy technology as Fisker announced the building of electric cars in our state, NRG is rumored to buy a controlling stake in Bluewater Wind, and Claymont Steel may become the manufacturer of towers off the coast of Rehoboth. Kavips offers his thoughts.
Kavips on the basic difference between the GOP and the Dems:

Because one party increases the wealth for 90% of the population, by recycling some percentage back from the top 10%, and the other party increases wealth for the remaining 10% by not allowing that recycling to occur…
Essentially that is it in a nutshell…
Crying about taxes? Here is a mathematical task for you? If all roads were toll roads, and charged you 1 dollar each way, how much would you pay if they were privatized? $5 dollars a day? So if you take 5$ times 365 days of a year and pay less than $1825 in Delaware State taxes, your taxes are already too low… and that is just for one service! Anyone who says otherwise, is trying to get out of paying his fair share… You make more, you should pay more… So quit whining.

Sussex County Angel
Nothing new this past two weeks. I wonder if she tea bagged in Washington with David Anderson.

Lt. Governor Matt Denn’s Blog
Our Lt. Governor on Fisker Day in Delaware.

Delmarva Dealings
More fiscal transparency for the General Assembly and the courts?
Cato on whether the AG Office troubles will prevent Beau Biden from running for the Senate.

**The Kilroy Disclaimer** Kilroy is your source for rants against the federal government’s involvement in education. He was against Bush with NCLB and now he is against Obama, and he has a special animus for the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. He has over 100 posts a week on his views on the topic. I cannot keep up any more. They are all about Delaware, with respect to our local school districts, but then they are not. So for now on, I will cover Kilroy’s specific local political stories, and nothing to do with education. If you want to read about education, read Kilroy.
Kilroy on the Return of Dave Burris. I cannot wait until I see his reaction to the return of Jason Scott.
Kilroy on possible budget cuts for education in the FY2011.

Delaware Way
Homeless camps in the woods throughout Delaware?
Nancy on Bonini, Cohen, Anderson and Biden
Nancy bashes Cormier for not citing The Onion as satire.

The Underrated Jack Markell
The second Delaware Environmental Summit is coming.
NRG and Delmarva Power saving Bluewater Wind.
John Carney and DelaWind.
Tom on the Fisker deal.

Resolute Determination
Lt Gov. Denn making excuses on not updating the Stimulus website?
New Castle Republican Committee is preparing for battle.
Two new charter schools for 2011?
Charlie Copeland doesn’t like the Stimulus. He would have preferred the Great Depression II. You know, the good ole days for the duPonts.
Charlie didn’t get invited to a meeting and he is upset.
Stafford says it is time for downstate commuter rail service.
< a href="">Lavelle v. Copeland or Kovach for the House?
HGB on the AG race if Biden runs for Senate.

Delaware Libertarian
Steve shames the Diocese of Wilmington . Earlier, he was conflicted.
You must read this for the title alone: David Anderson and Hugo Chavez: Socialist Birds of a Feather.
Red Baiting and Vomit: The New Face of David Anderson’s Delaware Politics.
Steve Newton makes the papers.
Steve agrees with Jason Scott. World ends.

Delaware Politics
The Return of Frank Knotts to DP, replacing Burris, who left to start his own blog, Donviti-style.
Frank on fixing the DE GOP.
David Anderson goes teabagging and talks to Senator Carper. David, was that you holding up that Nazi sign?
Elbert wants term limits in Delaware.
Our local Sarah Palin, Christine O’Whackjob, will address the DE tea bagging convention in Dover on Saturday.
David thinks Carper has a point on the environment.
David attacks Steve Newton for being a Communist Liberal, or something. I can’t keep track of what or whom David Anderson hates anymore. It is tiring.
I wholeheartedly endorse this grassroots effort: RACE. Republicans against Castle’s Election.
Anderson praises Markell on Fisker Day.
Our own Pandora and DP’s Tennessee Walker had a little run in over Wilmington. Here is Tennessee’s response.

Delaware Liberal
Pandora takes on Tennessee Walker and lazy blogging.
Happy Birthday Mike Protack!
To Run or Not to Run, that is Beau Biden’s Question.
The 3% Vaccine Quandry
Studies show Delaware Liberal is good for you.
wRong Williams is right. World ends.
Delaware v. the Army Corps of Engineers.
Nemski on the Fisker announcement. Geek offers his congrats all around.
ING leaving Delaware in 2013?
The Fisker media round up.
Who will the Rethugs run against Carney?
Jones-Potter to run for State Treasurer.
Delaware Budget hearing dates are announced.
McDowell discussing energy with the White House??
Sometimes Celia Cohen is funny.
Between Love and Madness is the New Castle County Council.
Delaware: International Tax haven.
Castle does his master’s bidding.

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