Delaware Liberal

Castle to Uninsured: Die Quickly (and forces women to buy abortion insurance separately)

  1. Mike Castle voted to prevent private insurers from covering abortions if they receive public subsidies. Under the Stupid Stupak Amendment, women would have to buy abortion “riders” from their insurers separately. Since many women are insured through their husband’s employer (especially those who choose to be stay-at-home mothers, and let’s not forget college students insured by their parents), this amounts to a stealth “spousal consent/parental consent” law. Mike Castle thinks women deserve the extra stress and scrutiny of buying extra abortion-specific insurance.
  2. Mike Castle voted for the Republican health care plan – the “Die Quickly” plan that does absolutely nothing for the uninsured and weakens regulations on health insurance companies (because gee, they’re so ethical and responsible!). I (and Rep. Grayson) call it the “Die Quickly” plan because if you don’t have insurance and you get a terminal disease/condition, you can’t afford to be kept on life support. You can either die quickly or bankrupt your entire family (it’s bad enough that they’re going to lose you, but now they lose everything they own, too). Oh, and keep in mind that Castle voted to restrict bankruptcy also, so he hopes you choose the “death” option. Mike Castle supports this system and wants to give insurers more freedom to drop people who might actually need expensive health care. (Supposedly, this will cause one of the most profitable industries in the world, which is exempt from anti-monopoly laws, to magnanimously lower their prices for people who are paying for coverages of services that they don’t need, and will be dropped if they ever do need them).
  3. Despite voting for the Stupak Amendment (which passed), Castle voted against the final health care bill. So Castle’s stance on health care is fuck you, nothing, go ahead and die. Unless you haven’t been born yet, then you need to pay extra to die.

What a jerk. How can anyone possibly think of allowing this asshole into the Senate? Isn’t Carper bad enough?

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