Sometimes I Despair For Humanity

Filed in National by on November 8, 2009

Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel issued a statement condemning the use of Dauchau in a protest sign at the Thursday Bachmann tea party protest:

Not much room for discussing who saw which sign in this statement from the Elie Wiesel Foundation:

Elie Wiesel on the GOP Tea Party’s anti-Semitism and Holocaust comparisons: “This kind of political hatred is indecent and disgusting”

Americablog noticed that some teabaggers did not take the criticism well at all and reacted with shocking anti-semitism:

Rothschilds nothing! Everyone knows that Obama is George Soros sock puppet. Wasn’t Soros Jewish once upon a time? May the Schwartz be with you.

The jews need to clam up and accept the fact that they are in a Chritian country.

This hollowcost thing is totally overblown by the jewish.

Eli Wiesel should just go back to Indonesia. I don’t see him condemnig the terrorist shooter at Fort Hood.

Elie is a whiner. She should stop her whining. You didn’t not complane when the libs were calling Bush Hitler.

You know what? The fact is that at a time in history, The Rosthchild family controlled practically everything.This is a fact. Not anti semitic. I resent the Jewish outrage at everything. I am a tea partier. obama is a Marxist and takes his orders from George Soros… it is similar and these people need to get a life., Why any Jew would support the Obama administation is a mystery anyway. He is a Muslim sympathizer and the greatest threat to Israel ever to sit in the White House. Wake up Jewish community. Take off the blinders.

Rothschild sign? Well its factually true. They were one of the primary families involved in founding the Federal Reserve and are still in it up to their necks. Obama, Bush, and every president since Wilson have done as the Fed told them. Since it a valid historical fact that this family was involved in creating and still has ownership of a substantial piece of the Federal Reserve (but nobody seems to know how much), I guess its now Anti- Semitic to discuss anything a Jew does critically? This guy is a Hebrew Al Sharpton.

Elie, how did that whole Madoff thing work out for you?

This is just a sampling of the responses highlighted at Americablog. I caution people not to read too much into these posts by disgusting morans (aka “nutpicking”) but it’s not just one poster and it’s not just one response.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    “The jews need to clam up and accept the fact that they are in a Chritian (sic) country.”

    The big tent GOP.

  2. nemski says:

    What? The Tea Baggers are filled with anti-semites? What’s next, you’re going to tell me they hate black and brown people?

  3. Now that was a waste of a comdemnation, there were thousands of signs and tens of thousands of people. Liberals don’t understand individual responsibilites or rights. Why would someone try to avoid the issue addressed and waste energy on one person’s sign which was about trying to save lives from what that person believes is a governement action which would cause death and suffering?

    I understand that others believe the Pelosi plan would save lives and lower suffering. That is the debate which should happen not some silly discussion over a sign that almost no one saw until some agenda oriented person tried to make something completely unrepresentative, the face of a rally and then you folks even distort the message of that sign.

    That is why independents are flocking to the Republicans. People have very real concerns and some even real fears and you do worse than dismiss them. You insult everyone who expresses reservations.

    As I often say, freedom of speech is to guard speech that you do not want to hear. I wish that person had caught a cold and stayed home, but everyone has a right to speak. Do you suggest what? That organizers should set up check points and censor signs? Then they would be responsible for every sign. The natural way is to have freedom. The only responsible coverage is to sample the signs if you want to capture a mood. If you want to find sensationalism of a person who wants attention, the only responsible way to cover it is to recognize individual responsible as solely responsible.

  4. Brooke says:

    Well when you want people to look at this as a movement, you’re all a group. When you want to disassociate yourself from that ‘speech’, you’re all just ‘fellow travelers.’

    Gosh. Why wouldn’t people believe you’re going to pitch in via charity etc. for the needy, after you finish gutting the government safety net? @@

  5. A. price says:

    like agenda oriented people who possibly committed fraud with Fox noise to take down acorn? David I’ll suppress my Jewish rage since you basically said a holocaust survivor was over reacting to a picture of possibly her family piled up like trash. Or how you people claim the first every time one of your own does something so hateful and disgusting it warrants reaction.
    Instead i’ll just say the liberals used the precident YOU people set. take one small example, blow it up and use it to take down the whole system. your game. we are just playing it now.
    btw i am still offended by you in every possible way.

  6. Progressive Mom says:

    It’s funny — During the Bush years, the Republicans controlled every sign, every chant and even controlled what people were allowed inside rallies and speeches.

    Now we’re being asked to believe that this same party machine has no control over what is said, done, or distributed by its party. No control over the LoudMouth Party Leader Limbaugh’s Nazi rants. No control over Congressmen (R) who use Nazi examples in their speeches. No control over Michelle Bachmann, who has called for an investigation of the “socialists” among elected congresspeople. No control over the (several) county Republican leaders who have electronically distributed racist messages about the president. Etc.

    It is, truly, the Party of No.

  7. Unfortunately it wasn’t just one or two people who were writing these things – it was multiple people. Members of Congress stood in front of that crowd holding that sign. The only criticism we’ve heard from Republicans is a very mild rebuke from Eric Cantor.

    This is the type of thing that happens with protest movements. They are hard to control. I remember the huffy condemnation of MoveOn when someone put a Bush/Hitler comparison in an open web commercial contest. Now Republicans are commonly comparing Obama to Hitler and health care to concentration camps. Sorry guys, you own this now.

  8. The party of no accountability, PM.

  9. pandora says:

    Actually, PM, you hit a nerve. The leadership of the GOP has “no control” mainly because there is no leadership. They have devolved into mob rule. Go against the mob, and the mob will come after you with pitchforks.

    David’s (one of the mob leaders) comment is typical. In one mini rant he puts forth the lone wolf argument, and the free speech argument (I might point out, no one here called for the sign carriers imprisonment, silencing, etc. We only called them out, which is our free speech right as well)

    And not only does he trivialize the image by calling it silly he actually, in typical mealy-mouthed fashion, justifies it – Why would someone try to avoid the issue addressed and waste energy on one person’s sign which was about trying to save lives from what that person believes is a governement action which would cause death and suffering?

    And it’s that sort of typical statement that ties the GOP to that disgusting sign. So yeah, David, you guys own this crap – not because one idiot brought it to the rally, but because of your reactions after the incident.

  10. Exactly pandora and that’s what we’ve been telling them since these tea parties started – that they need to be careful and to distance themselves from the extremist element because soon they’ll own that too. Yep, David’s comment was a virtual cornucopia of excuses – basically don’t judge us by that one guy but he has a lot of passion free speech liberal fascism.

  11. anonone says:


    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
    — Wendell Berry

  12. That’s a good analogy a. The people who screamed about ACORN because some videos showed possibly illegal actions by a few employees now want us to ignore the members of their own movement who are doing bad things.

  13. Progressive Mom says:

    The signs, the slogans, even the rhetoric of the elected (R) congresspeople and their cheering fans is designed — exclusively — to bully. It’s not clever or cute. It’s designed to intimidate and harass in a personal, not policy, way.

    At the rhetoric is getting more and more violent.

    One sign, David? One person?

    I took a quick look at the PROFESSIONALLY PRINTED signs at the tea parties since September. This is a small sampling of what’s easy to find all over the net. I’m using words, not photos, because I think we have become accustomed to the violence in the photos, and we just don’t get it anymore:

    (printed professionally, in DC): Obama in docs whites, with Joker face, reading: Got Good health Care? Let me cure that for you.
    At the bottom, a rifle, with the words: Come and take it.

    (printed professionally, in Madison WI): Obama’s plan: White Slavery.

    (printed on a large-scale computer printer, Chicago): The American Taxpayers are Jews for Obama’s Ovens

    (professionally printed, Chicago): Photoshopped pic of Obama in Hitler uniform, with mustauche, reading : Barrack Hussein Obama – The Face of the New Hitler.

    (professionally printed, full color, Tampa): Drawn, color illustration of Obama coming up behind Uncle Sam, with a knife, holding the knife to Uncle Sams throat.

    “Comment by Republican David on 8 November 2009 at 11:15 pm:

    Now that was a waste of a comdemnation, there were thousands of signs and tens of thousands of people. Liberals don’t understand individual responsibilites or rights…”


    You wanna save babies, David? Stop hanging around and encouraging such violent people. Then talk to me about life.

  14. Liberal Elite says:

    The irony is that the right wing protestors are not advocating more freedom and fewer unnecessary deaths, but actually less freedom and more deaths.

    And not less government control, but increased intrusion in people’s lives. It’s never been about freedom, but it has been about religious beliefs and mores wound up with greed, hate, racism, and xenophobia coupled with the willingness to impose those twisted ideas on strangers. There lies the true domain of the teabaggers.