Delaware Liberal

Those Contributions Are Fungible

Are you aware of the logic of the Stupak amendment? John Aravosis explains:

The House passed the anti-choice Stupak amendment last night. Basically, the amendment stops any government money from funding insurance plans that cover abortions. The twisted logic being that any money connected to any insurance company covering abortions is “abortion money,” i.e., profits earned from “killing babies.” We can’t have the government touching that.

So I sure hope that no pro-life members of Congress are accepting political donations from any insurance companies that cover abortions. Because if they are accepting such donations, they’re accepting profits that came from “killing little babies.”

The Blue Dog caucus has taken quite a bit of money from insurance companies.

The roiling debate about health-care reform has been a boon to the political fortunes of Ross and 51 other members of the Blue Dog Coalition, who have become key brokers in shaping legislation in the House. Objections from the group resulted in a compromise bill announced this week that includes higher payments for rural providers and softens a public insurance option that industry groups object to. The deal also would allow states to set up nonprofit cooperatives to offer coverage, a Republican-generated idea that insurers favor as an alternative to a public insurance option.

At the same time, the group has set a record pace for fundraising this year through its political action committee, surpassing other congressional leadership PACs in collecting more than $1.1 million through June. More than half the money came from the health-care, insurance and financial services industries, marking a notable surge in donations from those sectors compared with earlier years, according to an analysis by the Center for Public Integrity.

The Blue Dogs have also spoken to a lot of insurance industry lobbyists. Aren’t they also profiting from this horrible money? Do any of these anti-abortion crusaders have investments with insurance companies? Are they profiting off of this terrible money then?

If you’re feeling generous, one of the co-sponsors of the Stupak amendment, Joe Pitts, has a primary challenger. Her name is Lois Herr. You can give money to her campaign on her ActBlue page.

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