Delaware Liberal

Live From The Jefferson Jackson Dinner!

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We’re live at the Jefferson Jackson dinner. Still waiting for the main event to start.

We’re eating chicken and are only allowed to drink red wine for free. (Is someone complaining?)

Your humble bloggers are successfully able to blend in so far or at least no one has spit on us yet.

One of our special correspondents reports that Clinton has entered the building!

Markell says we’re going to keep the Senate seat in Democratic hands by sending AG Beau Biden to the Senate. Is this an announcement?

Clinton onstage!

Clinton giving shoutouts to local pols, including RAM. He talks about Beau quite a bit. “I was looking at Beau Biden backstage, thinking how young, handsome he is. It’s hard not to hate him.” LOL!

Clinton – people hire Democrats when there’s a mess. They want us to clean up the mess. If they just want to hear speeches they hire Republicans – everything is candy.

Clinton’s theme: Republicans won in 2009 by running on economic issues and not social conservatism. The person who ran as a social conservative (Hoffman NY-23) lost because he didn’t focus on economic issues.

Speech is mostly about economic issues.

Clinton: we need a health care reform bill, even an imperfect one. Obama doesn’t want to have to explain why we don’t have reform in the State of the Union address.

The Gods played a joke on Karen Weldin Stewart by having her follow Bill Clinton’s speech (after a break). She talked a lot about old people and it didn’t make that much sense.

Awards being given out right now. Beau Biden spoke, but no official announcement.

Carper told a long story about keeping it short. In that spirit he’s talking for a long time. Carper is talking about energy and green jobs.

No announcement from Beau!

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