Photos of the Big Dog in Little Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on November 10, 2009

Our 42nd President, William Jefferson Clinton, was the Keynote Speaker at tonight’s annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner put on by the Delaware Democratic Party. Here are some pictures from President Clinton’s appearance, courtesy of Julie Cahill.

Now this picture below just screams “CAPTION THIS”

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  1. Rebecca says:

    He was awesome as always.
    It was good to see DL so well represented. Love you guys for all that you do.

  2. Great pictures! Thank you Julie for letting us show these pictures. It was a great event and Clinton was great at always.

  3. anon says:

    According to news reports, Bill spoke to Senate Democrats and told them the same thing he told us: that we have to pass any of the health care bills no matter what, and we can fix them later.

    I really, really, hate that. Because for me, thinks like Stupak, and the individual mandate, are poison pills that make me just want to say “screw it” and walk a way. Heck, for me “public option insurance” is a barely acceptable compromise away from single payer.

    But Bill’s point is that right now, we really need to hand the Republicans a s**t sandwich, or else they will parlay their “win” to another decade of power, and we (the nation, not the Dems) will lose much more than health care.

  4. anon2 says:

    Why does Bubba always look like he just blazed on up backstage?

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Suzanne got his autograph on her program, which we almost mugged her for.

  6. smyrnadudette says:

    Awesome dinner – got to meet some actual DL people. Sat with Pandora (thanks for the DL button – will wear it with pride), and met Liberal Geek. Great to actually meet you – hope to meet more of you in the future.

  7. MJ says:

    I also got his autograph and then almost got crushed by the crowd of people trying to get pics and touch him. I felt like I was in a mosh pit. I was actually getting pushed into the barrier and the Secret Service was pushing folks back.

    Speaking of the Secret Service – there was a real hottie on Clinton’s detail.

  8. Julie says:

    Great night, wonderful finally putting your stunning faces to your names. Next time WE do the seating, it was bull having us sit with non-cool people. I was fortunate to sit in the lap of the ever adorable Dave who kindly shared barbs and desserts with me. I may hate parts of Delaware but YOU guys rock.

  9. Suzanne says:

    “we have to pass any of the health care bills no matter what, and we can fix them later. ”

    Kind of reminds me of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

  10. Brooke says:

    Well, I look forward to another occasion when some of the people I met last night use their names, or at least handles, in the introductions. *blush* I got most of the crowd from Halloween, but wish we’d been able to sit together. And I went back with camera, but y’all had gone. Still, awesome. 🙂

  11. Rebecca says:


    That’s about what it amounts to. It’s a bitter pill, but ya gotta suck it up and remember not to let perfection get in the way of progress, however slow it is in coming. It is coming.

  12. That last picture: “Let me do my Monica impression.”