New Castle County Democrats Won’t Rest On Laurels

Filed in National by on November 12, 2009

New Castle County Democratic Party Chairman Erik Schramm spends a few minutes with The Community News‘ Jesse Chadderdon to talk about past successes of the New Castle County Democrats as well as their future plans. Take a few minutes to read this interview.  Schramm brings up the listening tour that Chris Coons held last year:

A lot of officials have been having town hall meetings to say, ‘here are the items we’ve stripped from the budget,’ and I think it’s interesting because a lot of folks have gone into those meetings pretty charged up . . . but when they leave there, it seems like more people finally get it. We need to do more to get that message out there and that’s why last year Chris Coons did a listening tour through each of the council districts talking to voters and hearing what their suggestions were and what services were important to them.

Interesting notes: The Democratic Party holds 11 out of the 13 council seats and the last three county executives were Democrats — though I’d swear that Tom Gordon was secretly a Republican. 😉

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Is that the listening tour which produced the 25% tax increase?

    I call that being deaf. The structural deficits are larger for the next four years. No wonder he wants to run for AG.

    There is not one part of government nationwide where the Dems are in charge that taxes are going up and so is unemployment.

    Mike Protack

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Looks to me that Mr. Shallow Bench never went to any of these meetings on the listening tour. Apparently the loud we want our government services for free crowd didn’t show up. They certainly didn’t at the meeting I went to or to others that I heard from.

    And while he is here throwing pot shots, do note that he hasn’t a clue as to what the county’s revenue problem is and hasn’t a clue how to fix it.

  3. As much as I consider Mike a friend, I can’t help but think posts like this are what’s causing him to hold his reputation as one of Delaware’s most dependable blog trolls. Your comments really are quite ridiculous, Mike. Ad nauseum, ad infinitum malarkey.

  4. Exactly Cassandra. There was a listening tour and the meeting I attended was packed. A lot of people spoke. They even took a count of raise taxes/cut services at the end.

    Here’s my point – if the Protacks of the world want to change government they have to participate. The current Republican plan is to stand outside (or even on the inside) and say “I don’t like this.” Well, so? What is your plan? You need more than a “I say no” to run a government. You have to propose something. Sometimes you propose something and you don’t get what you want. That’s how our system works. To me it seems like Republicans no longer want to operate in the framework of the system.

  5. anon says:

    Yeah Protack is in touch with the county–I’m sure he has attended the listening campaigns and council meetings to understand the issues (HA!) Maybe if repubs in general proposed some concrete and realistic ideas on how to make things better people might actually take them seriously. And don’t say you will change employees pay,pension and benefits–85% of the workforce is unionized and are subject to collective bargaining….

  6. Suzanne says:

    Let Perenial Pornstache write what he wnats at this point — it’s all good stuff we can repost and show people when he is trying to get elected because he makes everybody shake their heads in disbelief.

  7. Geezer says:

    What I’d like him to write, for the first time in his miserable political existence, is anything that actually adresses a problem in a reasonable way.

    So, once more, Mike: What’s your solution to the tax situation in the county? Be specific. And get used to hearing that question.

  8. MJ says:

    As I said, with Pornstache running for office, it’s going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. My bet is that he pulls out before the primary, another case of politicalis interuptus.