Delaware Liberal

First Looks at Fred Cullis, DE-AL Candidate

From WDEL — Mr. Cullis is a Hockessin republican that no one has heard of apparently. From WDEL’s video — he was not happy with Castle’s vote on cap and trade, but he is making the “independent voice” noises which bears alot of watching. Traditionally, this “independent” claim by repubs means that they are a stalking horse for the usual failed policies and programs — just trying to disguise the level of lockstep he’ll get to. He has a website, with some position papers taking these basic positions:

  1. Energy — cap and trade has to be defeated because it is “unproven” and makes alot of claims and statements that simply are not true. He is a fan of nuclear energy and of drill baby drill.
  2. Federal Spending — Its all bad! Really! And Congress isn’t reading bills! Lots of exclamation points do not adequately mask the fact that here is one more repub without a basic grasp of either economics or the current state of economic play. This is a freeze spending guy. But no real solutions offered and no discussion of what Americans will live without in terms of services if he could somehow get the Congress to stop spending. Really!
  3. Health Care Reform — if you saw the BoehnerCare document — already roundly rejected by Congress — you’ve seen this very weak tea before.
  4. Immigration — more of the usual fear and loathing, but this time with a dis against Ronald Reagan’s amnesty program. But while there is the usual immigrants are the bane of our existence rhetoric, he proposes Not One Thing to address the immediate issues with immigration — as in what to do with the people already here. In this Cullis seems quite content to do the usual repub bait and switch here — lots of fear and loathing and law enforcement re: closing borders; but he is not going to disturb the business interests who badly need those immigrants to continue working here.

So the short story is — so far you are not talking about a “New Ideas” kinda guy (which are pretty much extinct in the GOP anyway) or even one who has been able to demonstrate (via these position papers anyway) a real grasp of either policy or issues. He’s got a year though to work this out, so we’ll keep a good look out.

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